Studying Business Management Courses vs Degrees

Many of us question at some point if we should study a degree vs. a course. Business Management courses mostly cover everything you need to know, but sometimes a degree might just be that little bit extra. This decision can be hard but don’t worry, keep reading below! Once you have all the options, making a decision is a lot easier.


Business Management Courses

Because it is such a huge field of study, the amount of course options you have for Business Management is quite big. The first decision to make is on the length of the course since they come in anything from 9 months to a full 36 months. This decision is very important, especially if you are looking at ICB Business Management. The way the ICB structures their courses makes it easy to decide.

Their Business Management programme is split up into 3 parts, each ending in a qualification. The courses are National Certificate in Small Business Managing, Higher Certificate in Office Administration and National Diploma in Financial Accounting. All three come with complete content on specific fields of Business Management.

Each of them is useful on their own. But when they are put together, you gain a much more complete understanding of the field of work. The splitting of the programme allows for flexibility when studying, especially part-time and distance learning. You can really study at your own pace, finish one qualification immediately and the rest at a later time. You can even only do the two certificates. That is the great part of the ICB Courses. They don’t work against you, but rather with you, helping you to get your qualifications.


Business Management Degrees

When it comes to Business Management Degrees, things change a bit. They are usually a set amount of time (normally 36 months, or 3 years). This is for the regular degree, then you also get the option of an Honours Degree and so on.

This type of prestige qualification really tells people how skilled you are in the field. It will definitely help you to get a job more easily, but just be careful to not be over-qualified. Often times, employers don’t want someone who is too “skilled or advanced” in a field, because that means they need to be paid more. Take some time to really figure out where you want to work, and what you want to do.



Which is better: Degree or Course?

Both have their own pros and cons. It all depends on your own needs and wants. After deciding on your career path (Business), you need to decide on how to get there. A degree might be more qualified than a diploma, but it will also cost a lot more money. It can also take a lot longer to finish your degree. These are the two main things to think about: Money and Time.


Pros and Cons of Degrees

The Pros of a degree are simple but important. Firstly it is usually internationally recognised, meaning you can go anywhere in the world to find a job. They will usually take your degree into thought. Secondly, normally when we start studying for a degree, it is just after matric. This means that when you graduate, you are still young! You can still experience the world and its wonders.

The Cons of degrees are a bit more complex. Firstly, you are stuck for a long period of time (3 years). You might even find yourself not interested in that particular field anymore, but now you have to finish it. The lack of flexibility is a great negative point when studying a degree. Secondly, degrees most often cost a lot of money, much more than courses. You might not always have the funds available. Lastly, you almost always need Matric to apply to study a degree. This is not always an option since many South Africans do not finish school.


Pros and Cons of Courses

The Pros of degrees are much better and more than the cons. To study for a course, especially ICB Courses, you do not need Matric to start studying. All of the courses need either only Grade 10 or Grade 11. This makes it a lot easier for anyone to start studying. You can also decide on the length of time you want to study. The courses range from 9 months to 36 months, so there is almost always a perfect course length for you. Also, you have the freedom to choose how you study: full-time, part-time or as a distance learner. Lastly, the costs of studying a course are almost always much cheaper than a degree.

Cons are not many, which is also a great thing about courses. A course will not always get the same recognition as a degree, because the highest qualification is a Diploma. This does not mean a diploma is useless, rather there are just some employers who specifically want people who studied for a degree.


So as you can see there are many differences and reasons to study each. But overall, the best and most flexible option would be to study an ICB Course. They are just better in terms of overall perks. So wait no longer because the decision has been made! Register here for a course and start your future.


Written By: Michael Kritzinger

Last Updated: 16 April 2019