How The UNISA Remark Works

UNISA Remark

You can have your tests remarked if you feel you should have gotten a higher mark. The UNISA remark system allows outside moderators to have a look at your test. Mark reading sheets cannot be returned for remarking because that is marked electronically. Also, you cannot apply for a remark of a practical part of a test.

UNISA Remark

UNISA Remark Rules

UNISA will let you know how to apply for a remark when you get your exam results. You can only apply for a remark if you got 35% – 49% or 68% – 74% for a study unit. When you apply, make sure your proof of payment is attached to the email.

You can also apply at any of the UNISA offices. Put your student number in the email subject line. Do not send remark applications to your lecturers because they do not remark. They send it to an outside moderator.

UNISA will let you know what your remark mark is about two months after the closing date. The remark mark will be final, so if you got lower than before you will have to take the lower mark. To apply at UNISA read this article.

UNISA Remark Fees

It costs R395 to remark one script. You can also buy exam scripts to help you prepare. It costs R50 for one script.

UNISA can refund you for the remarking under some conditions:

  • You originally failed, but after the remarking you passed
  • You failed, but now pass with a subminimum (if it applies)
  • If you got a distinction because of the remarking
  • If you get admission to study for a higher qualification because of the remarking. Your marks must be higher by at least a good margin.

UNISA Banking Details

You can pay for your remarking using the details we give in this article.

Last updated: October 25 2018