Together We Pass Classifieds

Have you advertised your Textbooks yet?

Together We Pass Classifieds

If you don’t know by now Together We Pass has launched a Together We Pass Classifieds section to help student sell their unused Unisa Textbooks, Study Notes, Exam Packs and Tutoring services. It’s a free service and very simple to use.

Added bonus: We advertise a selection of our listings weekly to all our students.

We want to help you even more and we have compiled a list of Do’s and Don’ts that will help you close your sale.

Here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts.


  • Use the module code that your text is applicable to in your ad. It will help students find your ad faster.
  • Use images of the Textbook or a tutor (can be animated or a picture of yourself) to help drive a sale. It is proven that visual products has a higher rate of success.
  • Mention what condition your Textbook is in (be truthful about the condition of your textbook)
  • Give a brief description of your tutoring style
  • Give an index of your Study Notes as an example in the description
  • State what papers are covered in the Exam Pack
  • List what edition is the Textbook you are selling
  • Do chat with your buyer to clear all arrangements
  • Use Together We Pass Classifieds to your advantage!

TWP Classifieds


  • Send or deliver your service if the agreed amount has not been paid in full
  • Use a broad heading as your subject line – Be specific
  • Overprice your goods or service
  • Meet in isolated places – Always meet in a crowded secure place
  • Leave your ad live after it has been sold
  • Write a complex description – Always use plain English

Now that you know the basic Do’s and Don’ts you are well on your way to posting an awesome ad and getting great feedback.

TWP Classifieds

Good luck!

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