Unisa PGCE 2019/2020

PGCE stands for PostGraduate Certificate in Education. A PGCE is an Education qualification for students who have already completed an undergraduate degree, and are looking for either a change in career, or have decided to teach after graduating from university.

Unisa’s College of Education currently offers several PGCE qualifications for students to pursue, all at the Senior Phase and Further Education and Training level. UNISA no longer offers any PGCE qualifications in Foundation Phase and Early Childhood Development, or in Intermediate and Senior Phases. The available PGCE qualifications are as follows: 

What is the PGCE?

The PGCE is a one year qualification that you can study after an undergraduate degree in order to become a school teacher, other than studying for a BEd (Bachelor of Education). Students would also have to register themselves for the South African Council of Educators (SACE) in order to become a school teacher.


The PGCE is seen as a gateway for students who do not want to study for a BEd but still want to become a teacher. For example, students could study for a degree in Marketing and still become a teacher by doing a PGCE without studying another degree for another 3 – 4 years.


While it is recommended that students study directly for an Education qualification such as the Bachelor of Education (BEd), the PGCE remains a popular alternative pathway for those who want to keep their feet in both the education sector and their chosen field of study. 


Students can study for an Education qualification in 2 ways:


  • Study and complete a Bachelor of Education (BEd)
  • Study and complete a relevant Bachelor’s Degree as well as a PGCE qualification.

Both methods take 4 years to complete, so it is best to weigh all options before making a final decision. If you already hold an undergraduate degree, then doing a PGCE qualification is highly recommended.


Note that PGCE is the only alternative pathway recommended by UNISA that students can take into becoming a professional teacher. As per the UNISA website, the Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education and the Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Education will not qualify students as school teachers.

Read more: Alternative Bursaries and Scholarships – July 2019


What are the requirements to study for a PGCE at Unisa?

PGCE Senior Phase and FET: 


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent 
  • Completion of at least 1 school subject at a 2nd level (minimum) 
  • 2 official languages at 1st level. 
  • APS Score = 50

If you do not at least meet the minimum admission requirements for the PGCE, then Unisa will reject your application. 


It is important to note that the Senior Phase and FET PGCE (among other qualifications) is no longer available to new students at UNISA from 2020 and onwards. Students who have already registered for a PCGE qualification at Senior Phase and FET level will be given until the end of the 2022 academic year to complete their qualification. After that, the qualification will no longer be available from UNISA at all. 


UNISA has also removed the option for students who want to do PGCE modules for non-degree purposes (NDP). No PGCE modules will be available to new students.


What’s the Recommended Study Time for a PGCE?

The PGCE consists of a mixture of six semester-modules and four year-modules, each of which should be managed with care.

Recommended study times differ with each individual person. While some can study 10 hours a week on a module, others are able to study and comprehend the work by studying for only 5 hours a week. It is up to the student on how they approach the work and whether they are able to comprehend the material.


Besides studying the theory of the work, remember that students still have to factor in the 10-week Teacher Practice program. Here are a few study tips that could help assist UNISA students on how to approach their work:

  • Create a clean and stable study environment, staying clear of any distractions;
  • Creating a study plan on what to tackle for the day (especially when it comes to the Teacher Practice program);
  • Implementing mood music (preferably without lyrics) that will get yourself into the rhythm of studying;
  • Creating flashcards (old-school, but why not) with small doses of valuable information that you or others can test on yourself;
  • Avoid or restrict social media to a minimum;
  • Restricting yourself to 10-15 minute breaks to recharge the batteries.
  • Naturally, students have perfected their own way of studying but there’s no harm in adding a few more to the list.

How Much Does It Cost To Do A PGCE At Unisa?

The current pricing to do a PGCE at Unisa in 2022 is:

  • Semester Modules: R1,780.00 per semester
  • Year Modules: R1,815.00 per semester

Altogether, the cost of doing a PGCE at UNISA is R19,895.00

This refers to study fees only and excludes additional costs (library fees, miscellaneous fees, textbooks, etc).


Note that these are study fees for 2022 and the qualification will no longer be available after the 2022 academic year has ended. 


Whether students opt for studying a BEd or the PGCE, it is viewed as a step in the right direction. The fact that young people remain interested in looking towards a career in education bodes well for the future. South Africa currently has a large teacher shortage, with many looking abroad for better career opportunities. 

According to Payscale.com, the average salary cost for a primary school teacher in SA ranges from R62 000 to R295 000 per year. The average salary cost for a high school teacher in SA ranges from R138 000 to R342 000 per year. Teacher salaries do fluctuate depending on where someone teaches, what level they are teaching, and whether the school is public or private.


Last Updated: 18 February 2022

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216 thoughts on “Unisa PGCE 2019/2020”

  1. hi I,m, currently doing my third year at dut.ND:ACCOUNTIND.do I qualify to do pgce(fetphase) in year 2021??

    1. These are the requirements for the requested qualification:

      An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent qualification. A student must have completed TWO school subjects at least up to 2nd level and TWO official languages on 1st year level.

      1. What the meaning of (A student must have completed TWO school subjects at least up to 2nd level and TWO official languages on 1st year level). Because i’ve got a National Diplomain electrical engineering and i have tried many time to apply PGCE at Unisa and i was not accepted because of this School subjects.

        1. You shouldn’t be able to apply for a PGCE at UNISA as the qualifications are either phasing out or not available to new students from 2020.

          Referring to your question, the school subjects refers to subjects that you would have had to do via your qualification (for example, English, Afrikaans, Economics, History, Geography, Accounting, etc).

          One more thing – you would have to have at least a Bachelors Degree in order to study for a PGCE qualification.

          1. I cannot say as only Unisa will determine when the PGCE will become available for students to apply for the 2021 academic year. Keep in mind that applications are open all year round.

          2. If you have an appropriate NQF6 undergraduate promotion (diploma or degree), you should be able to study towards a PGCE qualification at Unisa.

          3. Hallo , Im a 2nd year student studying BA Humanities i dont have any school subjects but I have Psychology ,Philosophy, Applied English Studies and General Linguistic I just want to know if it will be possible for me to do PGCE ?

          4. This depends on what PGCE qualification it is that you want to do. Each different PGCE has its own subject requirements. Once you figure out which PGCE it is that you want to do, take a look at its requirements and compare them with your qualification and see whether it’s applicable or not.

            Remember that in order to do PGCE, you would have to have a completed diploma/degree qualification in order to qualify for the programme as per Unisa’s rules.

          1. As of the moment, there is no alternative option available for the PGCE since the PGCE is a set qualification available across multiple universities in SA.

            Doing a full BEd would be your best option if you want to become an educator and are planning to study at Unisa.

          2. I have a Bachelor in Education from the University of Hertfordshire in England from back in 2007. I have taught in China for a long time and now I am moving to an American International school and they need me to have a teachers license or PGSE, I have one year to complete the PGCE if my salary wants to move up. Do you think I can just get my QTS in South Africa because I am a citizen, so many Saffa teachers teacher her with only that not the PGCE.

          3. If you do already have a BEd qualification, there should be no reason why you cannot teach at a school here in South Africa but the standards to an American International School is different, I guess.

            There is no QTS qualifications available in South Africa. You will most likely have to complete the PGCE in order for you to teach at the school.

          4. Hi I’m currently doing my final year this year 2021 I wanted to know can I qualify for pgce for 2022 I am doing Diploma in Management science Business Administration at DUT please help

        2. Desmond Mamabolo

          I am a graduate at the university of Limpopo and i would lime to apply for PGCE (intermediate phase). Do i qualify?

      2. Good Day. Hope all is well.
        I have studied Human Resources Management and Practice support.
        In terms of subjects…
        The modules I did in college are , Business management, advance calculation, Labour Relations, Skills development, and Computer, Humans Resources.
        Would I be able to study PGCE in any university or UniSA it’s self.

        1. You would need to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in order to stand a chance of studying a PGCE qualification. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to study a PGCE qualification at UNISA due to it only being available for already registered students.

          1. Hi..
            What about a person with National Diploma in Analytical Chemistry, will that person be able to study PGCE at Unisa?

          2. Students would have to have at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree in order to study for a PGCE qualification. Unfortunately your National Diploma will not enable you to study for a PGCE qualification.

            You won’t be able to do a PGCE at UNISA as it’s only available to already registered students. The programme is in the process of phasing out, so no new students can register for the course.

      3. Hello, i do have bachelor but still on hold due to cashless, my question is should i qualify for pgce while my qualification is onhold?

        1. You need to complete your qualification first, meaning that you have to pay your outstanding funds. Otherwise you will not be recognised as a graduate and you will not be able to apply for the PGCE qualification.

          1. Keep in mind that there are a number of PGCE qualifications available, so you need to meet the admission requirements for the qualification in order to do it. Is your Diploma a NQF6 qualification?

  2. Hi . Am an expatriate educator. I have a B .ED in PHYSICS & electronics. I also did Maths as a subsidiary for more than 2 yrs. My only oficial language i know well is English. Do I qualify for a pgce in Maths senior phase and FET. What are the dates for application for PGCE ?

    1. It’s stated in the article, but you will not be allowed to apply for a PGCE at Unisa. 2 of the 3 PGCEs are being discontinued, while the 3rd will not be available for new students from 2020 onwards.

      1. Hi there Dylan

        May you please advise me on the following: Will I be able to apply for PGCE for the 2021 academic year, I currently hold a Bachelor of Commerce Degree majoring in Business management and Accounting. I also have 1 year lecturing experience. Would I be able to apply or is PGCE only being offered to the existing students who are currently finishing off their PGCE?

        1. You should be able to apply successfully (at the discretion of Unisa) for a PGCE qualification. The PGCE qualifications is open to all who qualify for them. Keep in mind that you do need to meet the admission requirements of the PGCE in order to qualify.

          Each PGCE come with its own requirements for different levels, so make sure you meet those requirements before you decide to apply. There’s no need to worry about the needing of a Bachelors or Diploma part as you have that covered.

          1. Hi, at the moment I hold a n6 business management certificate am I able to do an advance diploma in education or pgce, also a little bit of help which stream I can access to get to pgce.

    1. Siyabonga Nkosi

      hi everyone.i have got an National Diploma in Tourism Management so I want to know whether i can be able to do a PGCE with the qualification I got in TVET.Another thing I want to know is that if i don’t qualify for the PGCE is possible for me to go for Bed with the qualifican i got.i passed my matric with a Diploma n I got N4-N6 in Tourism management which is turned to be a Diploma since i did my Practicals….please I’m looking forward to get the feedback, thank u…

      1. You won’t be able to apply for a PGCE as you need at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree in order to study the PGCE qualification.

        As for your other question, requirements for the BEd course related to your qualification can be viewed online here.

        Looking at the requirements, I cannot say for certain whether you would qualify for a BEd BUT having a suitable qualification can only be to your advantage (since it’s a tertiary qualification). If still uncertain, head to your nearest Unisa campus and speak to a student advisor.

  3. Jacomi Geldenhuys

    Good day
    I have a BA in human and social science. I am already a unisa student, will I be able to register for PCGE when registration opens again?

    1. Regarding the PGCE, you won’t be able to register for it at UNISA as it’s only available to already registered students.

      Either way, if you do want to start a new qualification, you would have to apply for it as you would any other application before you can register.

      1. Hi, as Unisa no longer have the Pcge available, what course can i do to become a teacher, as i already have a 3 National Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting and how long will it take to qualify myself as a teacher

        1. Remember that if you had the opportunity to study for a PGCE at UNISA (or anywhere else), you would have to at least meet the minimum requirement – a Bachelor’s Degree.

          The best way to qualify as an educator would be to either apply for a HC in Education followed by a BEd qualification or if you qualify, straight to a BEd qualification. However, no Education qualifications are available for applicants to apply for on the UNISA website. I believe this is most likely due to the qualifications meeting its quota, hence the College of Education not taking in any more applications.

    1. UNISA themselves have not disclosed as to why they have discontinued the PGCE as well as made it unavailable to new students, so I unfortunately cannot provide you with the info you seek.

      1. Hi, Dylan.
        My apologies if you have already answered this question, I have completed my Btech in Public Relations Management and want to do pgce at Unisa would I be able to apply this year?

        1. While you could possibly apply for a PGCE qualification, you do need to meet the requirements set by Unisa in order to qualify for the PGCE. Keep in mind that only the PGCE Senior and FET qualifications are available. So please review all PGCEs and see whether you meet the requirements (for example, Maths at 3rd level, English at 2nd level, etc).

          I hope this information helps you in any way.

          1. I have a degree in political science with only one subject which is history, is there anything that I can do to qualify?? e.g the bridging option like in other courses!

    1. You will be unable to apply for a UNISA PGCE qualification as it will not be available for new students from 2020 and onwards.

      Only students who are already registered for a PGCE will be able to do the qualification.

  4. i applied for PGCE last year and already have a student number but i was unable to pay application fee on time. so just wanna know i will be accepted for PGCE next if i pay now.

    1. PGCE will not be available to new students from 2020 onwards and is only available to those who are already registered for it. You will not be accepted to study for a PGCE at UNISA in 2020.

  5. Hi.
    Iv applied for PGCE for the last semester then they accepted me but i ddnt register , so do I have to apply again or Can I go and register next year?

    1. You canno t apply for a PGCE at UNISA as they have discontinued 2 of the 3 available PGCEs. The 3rd PGCE option will not be available for new students to study from 2020 onwards.

      1. While you could apply for a PGCE since you have a Bachelors degree, I’m not entirely sure which Senior and FET PGCE qualification you could apply for since Public Administration does not fall under ANY of the selected subjects.

        The PGCE qualifications are all subject-specific and I’m unsure as to where Public Administration falls under. Each qualification has specific admission requirements such as, for example, the PGCE Senior and FET: Business Studies.

        You would need to have done Business Management or Small Business Management or Business Administration completed up to third year level and Economics or Accounting completed up to second year level. In addition to above requirements, you also must have completed English up to first year level, as well as well as Computer Literacy skills up to first year level.

        All the qualifications come with specifics such as this and you can see whether you can potentially qualify for the qualification or not.

  6. Hi, as PGCE is a requirement in most teaching positions what is one to do if you want to become a teacher? I have a BComm Hons degree and want to move into education. Is there an alternative? A bit lost wrt what to do now…any advice would be appreciated.

    1. As you may know, the PGCE is an option for those who studied for a degree in anything other than a BEd. However, the PGCE is being phased out of UNISA completely so this will not be an option. UNISA do not offer equivalents or alternatives to the PGCE.

      They do, however, have an Advanced Diploma in Education in Intermediate Phase Mathematics Teaching which you’ll be able to do as you already do have a degree on hand. You can view its admission requirements here.

      It’s a 1-year qualification. If you need more info on the course itself, then it’s best to head to your nearest UNISA campus and enquire with a student advisor. Remember that the UNISA application will close tomorrow at 23:59, so the sooner the better.

      1. Phumzile Mabuya

        Ood day my name is Phumzile Mabuya, i have a receptionist diploma from TVET college can i qualify for PGCE or i will have to apply straight for BEd



    1. We are not UNISA. UNISA is dropping 2 of its 3 PGCE qualifications. They’re also not allowing students to apply for the third PGCE qualification, so you won’t be able to apply for a PGCE in 2020.

      Taking PGCE modules as NDP modules won’t help you as you won’t be admitted into the program. You would have to apply for a new qualification. Remember that to do a PGCE qualification, you would have to have had at least a Bachelor’s degree in order to do the course since it was essentially a postgraduate qualification.

      Unfortunately, the UNISA application window closed on 27 September, so you won’t be able to apply for a UNISA qualification until mid-2020.


    I done two modules of NDP which can give access to enter in PGSE, so.I can still continue with modules or I have to apply new qualification?

    1. It’s highly unlikely that the PGCE will be coming back to UNISA. It’s best to look at a different university who offers the PGCE instead of UNISA.

  9. hi i have done two modules of ndp and am going to write a sup for two modules. i want to know is it true that Pgce is no longer offered at Unisa. i dont want to waste my time writing suplementary.

    1. 2 of the 3 PGCE qualifications will not be offered anymore while the third will not be available to new students from 2020 onwards. So you’re unfortunately out of luck if you wanted to do a PGCE at UNISA. It’s 100% true.

    1. You cannot apply for a PGCE at UNISA as 2 of the 3 qualifications will not be on offer while the 3rd PGCE option will not be available to study for new students from 2020 onwards.

    1. Psychology is a completely different field to Education. However, you can still apply for a PGCE qualification after you complete your Psychology degree (as long as you meet the PGCE requirements).

  10. I’m a Swazi qualified mental health nurse holding a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences. Am I eligible for PGCE?

    1. There are requirements that has to be met in order to study for a PCGE. The requirements are located under the heading “What are the requirements to study for a PGCE at Unisa?“. Please note that you won’t be able to apply for a PGCE qualification at UNISA.

  11. Type here..I registered for pgce in 2017 and wrote exams, however I was unable to continue due to financial constraints from then. Will I be able to register so as to complete pgce in 2020?

    1. You should still be able to register for your PGCE modules (depending on which one it is considering that the qualifications are either closing or closing soon).

      You would have to pay your previous study fees though in order to register and carry on with studying your qualification.

    1. Students who did not pass Senior Certificate with endorsement are required by law to apply for a matriculation exemption through the Matriculation Board.

      You would need to download a m30 form from the Matriculation Board website here or request the form via email ([email protected]).

      Read more online on the Matric exemption here

  12. Any idea what the alternative course is that they are replacing the PGCE with? UNISA website is a very murky area at the moment if you have a BA and want to do something in education post grad.

    1. UNISA have not stated as to what the alternative course to the PGCE is. Remember that there are other institutions that offer PGCE too other than UNISA. UNISA have added new alternative qualifications to courses in other fields, but I’m not sure whether the same will be said for the PGCE.

      1. Thanks Dylan.
        The Department of Education are in desperate need of Math and Science teachers so many institutions that offer PGCE are phasing this course out in favour of the B Ed Degree and post grade in Math / Science teaching.

  13. Hi, since PGCE has been discontinued, what other similar alternative will UNISA have for interested students who are interested in PGCE?



    1. As of yet, UNISA has not stated on what alternatives there is to the PGCE at UNISA. There are other alternative tertiary institutions other than UNISA that offers the PGCE qualification.

  14. Hi..

    My name is Lebohang. I did NDP in 2018 and applied for PGCE for 2019 but I did not register due to financial constraints.I had an outstanding fees for NDP modules so my question is can I be able to register in 2020? And if not can the NDP serve the purpose in a University of my choice apart from UNISA if I pay the outstanding fees?

    1. You would have to reapply for a PGCE qualification in order to study it at UNISA. However, the PGCE qualification is being phased out at UNISA and as such, you would be unable to apply for the qualification.

      You would have to pay your outstanding fees before you can register for a qualification. UNISA will not allow you to register if you haven’t paid your previous fees – even if they’re NDP modules.

  15. I m currently in possession of ND in Tourism, do i qualify to do PGCE. if not what do i need to still do in order to qualify for it (PGCE). Can i still register for 2020

    1. To qualify for a PGCE qualification, you will have to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in a certain field of study. However, you won’t be able to apply for a PGCE qualification at UNISA due to it only being available for already registered students.

    1. Unfortunately, PGCE qualifications are only available to already registered students. You will not be able to apply and study for a PGCE qualification at UNISA.

      1. i don’t get it clearly.
        you mean it is available to students already registered for PGCE or for registered at unisa for other course in general?

        1. I mean it like the PGCE is only available to those who were already registered for the programme prior to the announcement that it was going to be phased out. So it is only for current PGCE students and nobody else.

          I hope this clarifies the stance on the PGCE.

  16. I have a social work degree.would like to register for PGCE. is it still offered at UNISA.concerned about closing dates

    1. The PGCE qualifications at UNISA are only available to already registered students. No new students can apply for a PGCE at UNISA as the qualifications are in the process of phasing out.

    1. PGCE is not available to new students, only already registered students. The PGCE will only be offered at UNISA until 2022, by which it will be completely phased out.

  17. I graduated with a with an Honours degree in Psychology but I am truely passionate about teaching. I know that U is a phased out the PGCE Qualification. What other alternative is available to me?

    1. With regards to teaching, there is no other alternative for the PGCE that you can apply for at UNISA. You may have to look at a different educational institution that offers the PGCE qualification to further your studies.

  18. Dear Dylan,
    I have a B Comm Accounting and would like to apply to do a PGCE (not at UNISA, as I see that they no longer offer it). I want to apply at another Institution but do not know what 2nd subjects I should take. I want to teach Accounting and Business Studies. I am thinking of taking EMS in the Senior Phase Module and Business Studies in the FET Module, as I already have a degree in Accounting. What is your advice? Many thanks

    1. Good Morning Desrae,

      It all depends on what level of education it is you want to study (senior phase or at a TVET (FET) college). Having a BCom in Accounting is advantageous to you in this instance since you should be knowledgeable enough in the area of expertise.

      Took a look at the module choices you could pursue and in accordance with your degree and the admission requirements, EMS in the Senior Phase is what I recommend. At the same time, for the FET phase, you do have a couple of options (Accounting, Business Studies, Economics (if you studied it as part of your degree)).

      Remember that you do have to meet the requirements set by the institution in order to select and study the module. My advice is to go with your gut feeling and choose the modules you mentioned.

      1. Is it true that PGCE is back at unisa? I’d like to apply i have national diploma in officiating and coaching science

        1. PGCE is not back at UNISA. It is only available to already registered students. The PGCE is in the process of being phased out, so you won’t be able to apply for the qualification.

          At the same time, you need to have at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree in order to study a PGCE qualification – not a national diploma. It is the same at every other educational institution.

      2. Hi, I’m currently studying BCom Law and I have Economics and, Business Management and Accounting as my modules would I qualify to do a PGCE once I’m done??

        1. It is possible to qualify for a PGCE that is related to the qualification that you are currently doing. Please have a look at the admission requirements of the PGCE qualification that you want to study and see if you meet them.

  19. Hi, i am in my 4th year LLB with UNISA and am thinking of changing my career field. I was going towards finishing my degree and then doing the PGCE however since it is phasing out i doubt that will be an option… is there anyway i can become an educator with an LLB or can i change my credits obtained so far to another degree to enable me to become an educator?


    1. I don’t think it’s possible for you to become an educator without (in your case) a PGCE qualification. All educators need to be aligned with Umlausi in order to become one and you need to have an Education-related qualification behind you. The LLB unfortunately does not fall under that.

      As for your other question, I would advise against changing your qualification from a LLB to a BEd qualification. Your LLB credits would not relate to a BED qualification’s credits – they’re not the same since they’re 2 different fields. It would be best to complete your LLB (you’re in your last year too).

      There is another problem though and that’s each PGCE qualification have their own subject of study (Business Studies, Mathematics, Economics, etc). There is currently no PGCE qualification that caters to Law students. Students are required to apply for a BEd qualification instead.

      The only way that I can see you becoming an educator in the Law field is by completing your LLB and taking it further – all the way. That or doing a BEd qualification after completing your LLB degree.

        1. With regards to the PGCE, you would need to be in possession of a Senior Certificate with exemption, as well as an appropriate accredited Bachelor’s degree (360 or 480 credits) or equivalent National Diploma (360 or 480 credits)

          Unfortunately it does not state that you would be able to qualify on any PGCE specifically with the Higher Diploma in ABET qualification, so we are currently unsure on whether you would qualify or not.

  20. Hi, plz assist I have Btech in Quantitity Surveying with construction technology, construction management and quantity surveying as my majors from 1st to 3Rd yr, also I have economics in 4th yr and accounting in 3Rd yr

    Will I qualify??

    1. A BTech is a Bachelor’s degree, so you shouldn’t have a problem with applying for and qualifying for a PGCE. Just make sure that you meet the admission requirements before applying.

  21. Hi i’d like to know if i may be able to do my PGCE because i just finished my course at a tvet college where i was studying hospitality and catering services i have my N6 but haven’t graduated and i also did consumer studies at high school and i realized that my passion lies in teaching

    1. You won’t be able to do a PGCE qualification as the minimum requirements to do one is that you need at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree.

  22. Hy, I want to know regarding the issue of studying PGCE, I have BA(criminology and psychology) and i have history at second level while having psychology as my major at third level, do I meet the criteria or requirements?

    1. Looking at it, you might not meet the requirements. The only PGCE that may be relevant to you is the PGCE SP & FET: History. Unfortunately, you need to have taken history at the third level. So you unfortunately would not meet the requirements set by UNISA.

        1. SP and FET refers to the Senior Phase and FET Phase. The PGCE qualifications consist of 3 levels:

          1. Foundation Phase
          2. Intermediate Phase
          3. Senior and FET Phase

          The Senior and FET Phase cannot be studied separately.

          1. when are the application for PGCE opening i am willing to enroll i have BSc in life science my majors are biochemistry and physiology but i did maths and physics during my first year so i want to enroll for intermediate phase ( maths and natural science)

          2. You won’t be able to apply for a PGCE Intermediate Phase at UNISA as the qualification has been discontinued with immediate effect in 2019. There is currently no plans to bring the qualification back at UNISA anytime soon.

          3. Hi, i need clarity on these following question
            1. I learnt business studies,economics at high school and right now I’m completing my diploma in small business Management at wsu. I’m thinking of applying for pgce at unisa, do they will accept me.

  23. Good day
    I have a question and need clarity on things.
    I just completed my PGCE Foundation phase 2019 and 3 NDP’s but i am only left with 1 NDP module which i did six times.and i am not offered FI concession. So my question is what will happen because im done with my PGCE modules.

    1. A FI Concession exam is usually given out to students who failed their final module the first time. As you’ve failed it six times, you won’t qualify for a FI Concession.

      You may want to register and study for the module again. Isn’t the module part of your qualification? If it’s not, that would mean you’ve completed your PGCE qualification, right?

  24. I completed my PGCE in 2019. My academic record is reflecting that 10 weeks Practical Teaching This qualification is not completed. I did PTEAC1X and PTEAC2Y and passed. Total credits accumulated 132 and minimum credits required is 120. Why the academic record is reflecting this comment? When will the university send the certificate?
    Kind regards

    1. You may want to query this to the university, speak to a student advisor on the matter and ask why there is an error when you know you’ve completed your qualification.

  25. Hi

    Will I qualify as a teacher if I complete below qualifucation?


    1. The PGCE is a qualification for those who want to become teachers but didn’t do a BEd qualification. So if you already have a relevant degree, just do the appropriate PGCE qualification.

      Once completed, you’ll be able to become an educator.

  26. I want to study for a postgraduate certificate in education senior phase and FET History
    I have an Honours Degree in History and International Studies
    I also did a TESOL /TEFL Course With Forthays State University

    1. Your Honours degree should be enough to qualify you to study a PGCE qualification as the minimum requirement that students need to meet is an appropriate and relevant Bachelors degree.

      In your case, it’s a PGCE with a History qualification stream which you can view the requirements online here.

  27. Mlungisi Ndlovu

    I applied for PGCE this year January but I haven’t got a response, what should I do Dylan since the applications are closed?

    1. You wouldn’t have been accepted to study towards a PGCE at Unisa as the qualifications are in the process of phasing out.

      They discontinued the Foundation and Intermediate phase PGCE, while the Senior and FET phase is only available to students who are already registered for the qualification until 2022.

      You may want to try to look at other institutions that offer students the chance to study towards a PGCE qualification.

  28. Hi i wanna study teaching i have grd 12.diploma in ancillary healthcare .an i was studying online courses frm birth to grd 3 i have 4 certificate with 15point cptd so i wanna knw if i qualify for PGCE

    1. To qualify for a PGCE qualification, you will need to have at least a relevant Bachelors degree in order to study it. You do not qualify to study for the PGCE qualification.

  29. I registered for PGCE 2015 but failed to qualify to sit for exams. I would like to know that will I be able to continue with the programme? If so,do I need to apply or do I just go straight for registration? And so since I had registered with senior phase is it possible to switch to foundation phase? Thanks

    1. You will be unable to switch to a Foundation Phase PGCE qualification as it is no longer offered at Unisa.

      The university does not have any set requirements when it comes to deferring of studies for undergraduate students unlike when it comes to postgraduate studies.

      As you have registered for the PGCE before, you should be able to re-register and continue your PGCE qualification. Please note that the qualification WILL phase out by 2021, so you will have to complete it before then.

  30. Hi..i want to apply for PGCE(Intermediate phase)next year..im completing my National Diploma at Tut this year…i want to know when are application opening

    1. You will not be able to apply for a PGCE at Unisa as the qualification is in the process of being phased out at Unisa. The university is not taking in any new students for the PGCE.

  31. Desmond Mamabolo

    I am a graduate at the university of Limpopo and i would lime to apply for PGCE (intermediate phase). Do i qualify?

    1. Unisa does not offer the PGCE Intermediate Phase qualification anymore as it was discontinued. They only offer the PGCE Senior and FET Phase qualifications.

  32. Hey i am doing my final year 2020 in Tourism management and would like to apply For PGCE intermediate phase for next year 2021.
    Please help.

    1. To qualify for a PGCE qualification, you do need to have at least a relevant Bachelors degree or similar. So if you complete your BCom in Tourism Management, then you can apply for the PGCE: Senior and FET (Tourism).

      Unisa has phased out its Foundation and Intermediate Phase PGCE qualifications, so you won’t be able to apply for it.

        1. Unisa does not offer the PGCE Intermediate Phase anymore as it has been discontinued at the university. Students can only apply for a Senior and FET Phase PGCE qualification.

          Furthermore, you would have to apply for a PGCE that is relevant to a subject that you could learn at school. I’m not entirely sure if Local Government Finance falls under ANY of the Senior and FET Phase PGCE qualifications.

  33. I completed my PGCE last year but it still says not completed on my unisa and I have not received the communication that I have completed.

  34. Hi Dylan

    I’m interested in an FET PGCE qualification with UNISA in 2021 as a new student. I have completed a Btech degree in mgt at DUT. My modules were research methodology, operations, finance and strategic mgt. Would that be possible? If so,what type of PGCE?


    1. You would need a relevant Bachelors degree in order to study the PGCE, so a BTech counts. It’s hard to say which PGCE you would qualify for since each qualification has a certain level of subject that you have to reach in order to do it.

      For example, the PGCE Senior and FET: Business Studies requires students to have completed Business Management or Small Business Management or Business Administration up to 3rd year level, Economics or Accounting up to 2nd year level, and English and Computer Literacy up to 1st year level.

      You can view each PGCE offering by Unisa and its requirements here. Click on each of the links and you will see the requirements needed. Remember that with the PGCE, you will be teaching school subjects so the subjects that you did for your BTech has to be in line with what is being taught at school.

      1. Can i be able to apply for 2021 pgce in August? I have been hearing rumours that there will not be any pgce application for 2021… Pass me on this one please.

        1. You should be able to apply for the PGCE in 2021. Why are you planning to do the PGCE so far ahead of time?

  35. Sasha Hoffmann

    Good Day

    I have a PhD in Zoology (BSc). I am interested in the FET PGCE qualification with UNISA in 2021 as a new student. It appears as if you specialize for them – So with my degree, I could do either Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Sciences (90148 – BIO) or Physical Sciences (90148 – PHS) or Mathematics (90148 – MAT) or Mathematical Literacy (90148 – MTL). If I am understanding this correctly? And then I could teach those subjects at a high school? Sorry just trying to understand the new qualifications?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Sasha,

      It appears as if you have already made comparisons and have seen which PGCE qualifications you can do.

      If you complete any of the above-mentioned PGCE qualifications, you would be able to teach that specific subject within a certain grade level (Grade 7 – 9 and Grade 10 – 12).

  36. Hi there

    A couple of questions.

    1. I’ve been reading your responses and note that you say that Unisa does not offer the PGCE Foundation/Intermediate Phase qualification anymore. If I do study the PGCE Senior and FET Phase qualifications, and seeing that it is a higher qualification, will I be allowed to teach the smaller grades (ie. 1-7)?

    2. What is the minimum time that the PGCE Senior and FET Phase qualification can be completed in?


    1. This is something that I’m unsure of as the PGCE Senior and FET only allows you to teach from Grade 7 till 12 but it’s highly unlikely you can teach the lower grades unless you have a BEd suitable to teach the grades.

      Many other universities have also stopped offering the PGCE Intermediate/Foundation Phase qualifications at the same time as Unisa.

      With the latter question, you would have a minimum of 1 year to complete the PGCE, with a maximum of 3 years allowed to complete the qualification.

      1. Thank you for your response, Dylan :).

        One final observation then is that there may be a shortage of teachers for those lower grades and an abundance of teachers for the higher ones. Hopefully the Senior/FET qualification will allow for lower grade classes as well.

    1. You can apply for credits obtained from PGCE Intermediate Phase to be moved to the PGCE Senior and FET Phase of your choice. Keep in mind that if you do want to do the PGCE Senior and FET phase, you will have to go through the application process again and hope that you do qualify.

  37. Hey

    I have completed BA in Sociology and Anthropology and I have Psychology i-iii

    Do I stand a chance for PGCE senior phase and FET?

    And another issue is that I am currently doing Honours with Unisa which I was planning to finish it in 2021. If I qualify for PGCE can I put Honours on hold and do PGCE?

    1. Since you do have a Bachelors qualification, you can apply and study towards a PGCE Senior and FET Phase qualification – but only if you meet its admission requirements.

      Note that the qualifications are subject-specific, so you won’t be able to do the majority of qualifications if you did not do the subjects needed.

  38. Sphelele Mbali Zulu


    I would like to when is the application date for the first semester of 2021 and also I hold a Degree in Communication Science with one Geogragraphy GGH 1501 and English up to level 2 and Alf up to level 2, I am interested in teaching English and History because I am already teaching English here in South Korea at elementary school my question is Do I need to do Non degree pursoses modules in order to qualify and which modules do I need to apply for and how do I apply for Non degree purposes modules?

    1. Application dates are open all year round, but it’s up to Unisa to decide when do they open up applications for certain qualifications. This essentially means you will have to wait till the university announces the availability of qualifications.

      Here are the requirements for the PGCE Senior/FET Phase for both English and History:


      A Senior Certificate with exemption, as well as an appropriate accredited Bachelor’s degree (360 or 480 credits) or equivalent National Diploma (360 or 480 credits) with History completed up to third year level and Human Geography completed up to second year level. In addition to above requirements, you also must have completed English up to first year level, as well as well as Computer Literacy skills up to first year level.


      A Senior Certificate with exemption, as well as an appropriate accredited Bachelor’s degree (360 or 480 credits) or equivalent National Diploma (360 or 480 credits) with English completed up to third year or Applied Language in English completed up to third year level with English 1. Linguistics or African Literature or an African language or Afrikaans also must have been completed up to second year level. In addition to above requirements, you also must have completed Computer Literacy skills up to first level.

      Note that if you meet any of the requirements, then you should qualify for either PGCE. As for NDP modules, it’s not allowed when it comes to the PGCE. Please read paragraph 9.7 of the Unisa student rules for clarification, online here.

    1. Please note that in order to study a PGCE qualification, you would need to have studied a relevant qualification with certain subjects in order to do the PGCE.

      Only the PGCE Senior and FET qualifications are available for students to apply. Have you taken a look at which PGCE in particular it is that you want to go for since there are a number of available streams to choose?

  39. Hi Dylan,
    I have a BA degree in Accounting from UNISA and have been teaching in China for the past 5 years.
    Can I do my PGCE Senior/FET phase either in English or Accounting from China? And can my present work be consider for the practical credits?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. While you can certainly do your PGCE from China, I’m a bit stumped about whether your present work can be considered for your practical credits. Are you currently working in a Senior/FET environment? I don’t see it as a problem if you do it there as Unisa is international and you can study from anywhere.

      You may need to contact the university itself to find out where you can do your teaching practice before making your next move. Contact details for Unisa’s College of Education can be found online here.

    1. If you have an advanced diploma qualification on hand that is relevant to the PGCE subject of your choice, then you should be able to apply for the PGCE. Keep in mind that the PGCE is school-subject orientated.

      1. Hi Dylan

        I completed my pgce 2017 , and was level 6 but since we have a new curriculum now and is level 7 , do i qualify for honours degree?

        1. Are you planning to apply for the Bachelor of Education Honours? If so, then you would qualify as the requirements are:

          An appropriate four-year professional teaching degree OR an appropriate Bachelor’s degree and a recognised professional teaching qualification or (a) four-year professional teaching qualification(s) as well as an Advanced Diploma in a cognate sub-field of Education.

    1. You need to have an appropriate Bachelors or Diploma qualification in order to do the PGCE. As per the Unisa website for all PGCEs offered, you need to meet the following requirement:

      A Senior Certificate with exemption, as well as an appropriate accredited Bachelor’s degree (360 or 480 credits) or equivalent National Diploma (360 or 480 credits). This accompanied with various requirements, different for each PGCE.

      Please view the admission requirements for the PGCE that you want to do before making a decision.

  40. Hey
    I have a national diploma in analytical chemistry, i applied for PGCE with people that have the same qualification as mine but got rejected.
    What are the minimum requirements?
    i want to do the PGCE in physical sciences

    1. These are the requirements set by Unisa regarding the PGCE in Physical Science as per the Unisa website:

      A Senior Certificate with exemption, as well as an appropriate accredited Bachelor’s degree (360 or 480 credits) or equivalent National Diploma (360 or 480 credits) with Physics and Chemistry. One of these should have been completed up to third year level and the other up to second year level.

      In addition to above requirements, you also must have completed English up to first year level, as well as well as Computer Literacy skills up to first year level. Students who do not meet all the requirements, should rather consider applying for a Bachelor of Education degree.

      I’m unsure as to why your qualification was rejected, but your application would be if you do not meet the necessary requirements. Note that with your qualification, you can also apply for an Advanced Diploma within the same field. You may need to speak to a UNISA student advisor so that you can make an informed decision on your studies.

      1. As per your explanation Dylan i do meet the requirements, i really do not understand why i was rejected, beacause all of the people with the same qualification as mine got accepted.

        Thank you very much Dylan

  41. Hi I have a BSc Degree in molecular biology and biotechnology as well as an BSc(Hons) in Microbiology from Stellenbosch University. Will I be able to apply for a PGCE senior & FET phase at UNISA for 2021?

    1. With your qualifications, you should be able to apply for a PGCE in Physical Science. Please make sure first that you meet the requirements set by Unisa before applying.

  42. Hi i have a national diploma in marketing management and BA in psychology and Sociology. Will I be able to apply for a PCGE intermediate and senior phase at UNISA 2021?

    1. The PGCE Intermediate and Senior Phase qualification has been discontinued at Unisa. You can only apply for the PGCE Senior and FET qualification. Make sure that you meet the requirements set by Unisa for the specific PGCE Senior and FET qualification so that you can do it.

      1. I have registered and completed AFL1501,1502 and ENGL1501 and 1502 in 2018 when i went back last year i was told that i should ahve came back in 2018 second semester tp register the other ndps of which i wasn’t told of when i asked after registering first semester. So my queation is can i reapply for the remaining ndps and proceed to applying for PGCE next year? If yes what are the ndp modules

  43. Hello…I have a national diploma In analytical chemistry from Setlogelo Technikon Wich us how TUT And also have a MBA Wich am struggling to get it’s certificate….can I qualify for PGCE In senior And FET with the analytical chemistry diploma?

    1. It would be possible for you to qualify for the PGCE in Physical Science with your National Diploma as long as you meet the qualification admission requirements set by the university.

      View the qualification and its requirements online here.

  44. Hi, i would like to apply for PGCE however I cannot see the option on the online application, there’s only Postgraduate diploma and not certificate. How do I apply? Do I need to physically go to the institution?

  45. Hi

    Id like to enroll for the PGCE Senior and FET phase for 2021. I have a Bsc Biotechnology degree. I am looking to teach english in China in 2021 as well. Would it be possible to do the whole course while working in China? And if so, are you aware of the total amount of levy fees that need to be paid? Thank you in advance.

    1. It’s possible for you to do your PGCE whilst in China, although you will have to make arrangements with Unisa on where you will do your teaching practice while abroad.

      Levy fees can be viewed online here.

      1. Hi… I have National Diploma in Local government Finance frim TUT which have English A level, financial accounting 1,2,3 and economics 1 do I qualify to do pgce?

        1. Which PGCE in particular are you referring to? Because there are many variations of the PGCE Senior and FET certificate programmes, each with their own admission requirements. Please view the requirements as per the Unisa website and see whether your marks/subjects help you qualify or not.

      2. Hi I have completed my BA degree as well as PGCE majored with IsiZulu and LO so I want to change my stream to Science stream. My question is that can I change my credits obtained so far to science stream or I need to start Bed from the scratch

        1. Are you referring to your BA degree credits or your PGCE? The PGCE credits are nearly the same as all the PGCE qualifications except for perhaps 4 or 5 which are subject-specific.

    1. Please view the admission requirements of the PGCE it is that you want to do. Make sure that you meet the requirements i.e third year level English, second year level Business, etc.

      Each PGCE has its own requirements, so make sure you meet the requirements as per Unisa standards.

  46. Good Day

    I currently have a B-tech degree in Sports Management from CPUT. I am SACE registered and have worked in a school environment for the past 6 years.

    I would like to apply/enrol in the grade 4- 9 Intermediate PGCE course for 2021. Any advice how to go about it, where and what particular course to enrol too?

    What would be the best institution to research and apply too please?

    1. The PGCE Intermediate Phase qualification has been phased out at a majority of institutions, including at Unisa. The PGCE Senior and FET phase qualifications do not include one for physical training/sport management.

      Your best option would be to study towards a postgraduate qualification in Sport Management, which Unisa does not offer.

  47. Fhatuwani Ramugondo

    Good day
    As u said that the PGCE is phasing out, will it be back on 2022 or an equivalent qualification will be available?

    1. PGCE qualifications are available at Unisa for you to apply and study. However, this only applies to the Senior and FET phase PGCE qualifications. You will not be able to study for a Foundation or Intermediate Phase PGCE as they have been discontinued at Unisa and multiple other universities.

  48. Good evening Dylan. I am currently completing my Diploma in Human Resources Management this year and i applied for PGCE( senior phase and further education and training) at CUT. My major subjects are Business Management and Human Resource Management. I also studied accounting at level 1 and i am doing Economics for 1st semester and Labour Economics for 2cnd semester at level 3.
    Do i qualify?

    1. I cannot say if you qualify or not as we are more Unisa-orientated than anything else, so I cannot help you in this regard. Please view the PGCE admission requirements offered by CUT and see whether you qualify for it or not.

      Keep in mind that the PGCE Senior/FET Phase is subject-orientated. Which school subject did you apply for e.g Economics, Mathematics, etc

  49. Evening

    I have a national diploma in Somatology and I have done applied biological science as well as Anatomy and Physiology in my first and second year of study. Would I be able to apply and perhaps get admission to PGCE

    1. It depends on what kind of PGCE it is that you want to do. Each PGCE has its own admission requirements and if you do meet them, then you should be able to successfully apply for a PGCE Senior and FET Phase

  50. Sithembile Ndlovu

    Good afternoon, I am currently having a senior primary teachers diploma and Abet certificate. I want to apply for PGCE in Senior and FET specializing in Isizulu.

    1. Could you please explain further what is a Senior Primary Teachers diploma? With regards to the PGCE qualification, you would need to be in possession of a relevant Bachelors or Diploma qualification in order to do it.

      1. Hi, I did Mathematics, Physics and English on my first year and I have Honours Degree in Geology, I would like to ask if I qualify to do PGCE in Mathematics and Physics

  51. Hi
    I’m currently studying at Unisa BA and major subjects are Psychology and English. Will I qualify for PGCE?

  52. Hi

    I due to complete my LLB degree at the end of 2021. Will i be able to register in 2022 for PGCE?

    Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase)
    Qualification offered until 2022, and ONLY for students previously registered for this qualification.

  53. How much does it cost to register for PGCE as well as amount (fees) that needs to be paid? Also, what is the duration for it to be studied?

  54. Let say you have a National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Would it be possible to register for senior and FET PGCE in 2021 second semester, and specialize in or major with Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Mechanical Technology and Engineering Graphics and Design?

  55. Hi I’m currently doing my final year this year 2021 I wanted to know can I qualify for pgce for 2022 I am doing Diploma in Management science Business Administration at DUT please help

  56. Hi. I’ve been admitted to study PGCE in Senior Phase & FET Phase Specializing in MATHEMATICS at UNISA for 2021 academic year.

    The PROBLEM is that when I try to register online it doesn’t allow me to submit the Name of the School and the Province where I’m going to do my teaching practicals at. Even after I’ve selected the name of the school & clicked submit, it still says I must fill in the placement form or otherwise remove the module from the list. Hence; I can’t complete my online registration because I need to register these two teaching practical modules since they’re compulsory. PLEASE HELP! WHAT MUST I DO IN ORDER TO COMPLETE MY PGCE REGISTRATION?

  57. Good day
    I have a BTech degree in Cost and Management Accounting from the Vaal University of Technology and would like to enroll for pgce at Unisa. As for this follow up, I would gladly to be advised or be told whether I do quality for it or not should I apply eventually for the period of 2022 is not a problem.
    Thank you.

  58. I am currently studying BA IN environmental management at unisa I want to know if I can qualify to do PGCE in unisa

  59. Phumzile Mabuya

    My name is Phumzile Mabuya ,i have a diploma in Receptionist from Tvet college i would like to study BEd, I’d like to know if i qualify.

  60. Hi. I’m doing my final year at university of North West, enrolling for Bachelors of Social Sciences with Psychology…I would like to do PGCE at Unisa, but at my first level I did only one language and I meet other requirements. Will I be able to do PGCE?

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