UNISA Short Learning Courses

UNISA Short Learning Courses – what is the use of it?  Why should a student take one of these UNISA Short Learning Courses?

UNISA Short Learning Courses

Unisa offers degree courses you can study. If you do not have Matric or want to improve your marks or upskill yourself with accredited courses before going to Unisa, you can apply at Matric College

Study Matric Online and you will be able to further your studies where colleges/universities require Matric. Adult Matric is commonly referred to as Senior Certificate (Amended)

UNISA Short Learning Courses’ main focus

  • The main focus of these UNISA Short Learning Courses, is to provide a specific learn
    ing need that has been found in society
  • These Short Learning Courses are therefore a “just enough” and “just in time” option and answer to this learning need in society

Good reasons to invest in UNISA Short Learning Courses

  • These Short Learning Courses serves as a “bridge” to help students get access to other Short Learning Courses
  • It can help improve a student’s chances to get access to study for a formal qualification at UNISAS
  • It also promote the “Lifelong Learning” concept
  • These Short Learning Courses also help with a specific work related need in the workplace
  • Do you need to update or broaden your knowledge and skills in a specific area so that you can do lifelong learning?  Then sign up for a UNISA Short Learning Course to achieve it now!
  • You will be able to continuing your professional development sharing your results of your research or by upgrading your knowledge and skills when you do a UNISA Short Learning Course

The following Colleges provide Short Learning Courses through UNISA:

  • College of Accounting Sciences
  • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • College of Economic and Management Sciences
  • College of Education
  • College of Graduate Studies
  • College of Human Science
  • College of Law
  • College of Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Other, Administration and Professional


Admission and Registration at UNISA

  • Before you can Register at you need to Apply first for admission
  • As soon as you received confirmation that your application has been approved, you must Register for you course and subjects at UNISA
  • Please click here to learn more about the Admission Process at UNISA

Please note:

  • If you need any further information about the UNISA Short Learning Courses, please click here

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Written by:  Leonor Breytenbach

Last updated: 15 December 2021