Educare Great Career Choice

Why Is Educare A Great Career Choice?

There are many reasons why Educare is a great career choice, especially if you are good with children. Educare is designed to help children in their most crucial stages of development.

Are Educare Courses Recognised?

Educare courses are recognised as long as they are National Diploma (NATED) courses. Be sure to check the accreditation of the institution you are applying to study Educare at. Some institutions offer certificates in Educare, but they are not accredited NATED qualifications. This means some employers may recognise them, but others may not.

What Can You Do With Educare?

  • Au Pair / Babysitter 
  • Child Health and Nutrition Caretaker
  • Day Care Administrator 
  • Day Care Manager 
  • Preschool teacher 
  • Start your own Child Day Care business

What Grades Can You Teach With Educare?

An Educare qualification is usually about teaching children in their earliest stages of educational development, meaning children under the age of 5. This means you will look after small children from one-year-old to five years old, and sometimes up to six years old. 


This means you could be a babysitter for children who are not going to school yet, or you could teach at a crèche, daycare, or preschool.


Can I Do Teaching With An N4? 

No, you cannot become a teacher with an N4 certificate. To become a teacher, you must have either a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or a PGCE (postgraduate certificate in education).


Some job options available to you with an Educare N4 Certificate are:


  • Babysitter
  • Au Pair
  • Teaching Assistant 
  • Daycare Manager

Can You Apply To University With An N6?

No, you cannot apply to any universities with an N6 qualification. While an N6 Diploma is at the same educational level as a Diploma, it does not meet any of the correct university entry requirements. You can only apply to universities with Matric.


What Does N4 To N6 Mean?

N4 to N6 certificates are certificate levels. They are all NQF level 5, followed by the N6 National Diploma, which is NQF level 6. NQF is the National Qualifications Framework, and allows educational institutions and potential employers know what the educational level of your qualification is. The NQF is designed by SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority). 


There are 10 NQF levels. N4 is equal to NQF level 4. N5 is equal to NQF level 5. N6 is equal to NQF level 6.


NQF LevelEducational Level
1Grade 9
2Grade 10
3Grade 11
5Higher Certificate/FET Certificate
6Diploma/Advanced Certificate
7Bachelor’s Degree/Advanced Diploma
8Honours Degree
9Master’s Degree
10Doctoral Degree

How Long Does An Educare Course Take?

NATED Educare courses have four levels. The NATED Educare courses build on each other, and there are four levels, with the last being 18 months of work experience. The first three levels will take six months to complete, so to get your NATED Diploma in Educare will take three years.

Where Can I Study Educare?

Many colleges offer accredited NATED Educare courses. Some of the reputable distance learning colleges that we recommend are:


Bellview Institute Of Distance Learning

Matric College 

  • NATED N4 National Certificate in Educare
  • NATED N5 National Certificate in Educare
  • NATED N6 National Certificate in Educare
  • NATED N6 National Diploma in Educare

Skills Academy

Start studying Educare through distance learning today, and help teach the children of today for a better future.

Why Study Educare?

  • Caring for children
  • Teaching children
  • Learning with children
  • Learning valuable skills

There are many reasons to study Educare, especially if you want to help children grow and develop in positive ways.

Caring For Children

Being cared for is one of the most fundamentally important things in a child’s development. Caring for children is something that is always needed and if you like working with children or if you have found that children often like you, then Educare is an excellent career choice for you. 


Children will develop a bond with those who care for them, even crèche and preschool teachers. If you have ever seen the drawings and paintings children give their teachers, you know how true this is. 


Children need a lot of positive stimulation and attention, and if you are someone with a lot of energy, this is an excellent way to spend it. Educare is a combination of both teaching and caring. It is less of a school environment with structured lessons throughout the day, and more like educational playtime. 


Children also need protection, as they are yet to learn the dangers of certain things, like holding on to monkey bars with one hand on the playground and knowing not to run outside by themselves when the gate is opened. 


As an adult, you will help them navigate what not to do because it would be dangerous to do so, without scaring them needlessly. Finding the right balance between the two is an exceptional skill that you will learn with Educare and is a great tool to have that can be used in any aspect of your life.

Teaching Children

Children are always learning as they grow, and they learn from everything and everyone around them. Helping them along their journey is a great way to contribute to a better future, as you help to ensure children get the positive learning experience they need. 


Teaching children is also a great way to learn about development, and you will be able to see what you learn in Educare come to life in the children you teach. 


Education, much like caring, is a fundamental part of a child’s growth and development. Education and a love of learning are things instilled early in life, and children are naturally curious and open to learning everything they can.

Learning With Children

Teaching children is also an educational experience in itself, as we learn to remember how the minds of children work, and the joy they take in the simple things like paint, wet grass, mud and rain. As we grow, we often lose the joy in the little things like this, and caring for children is an eye-opening experience in appreciating every good thing we have. 


We are also often taught things that we forget, like the freedom of finger painting or running around barefoot outside. As we get older, we are taught the rules and restrictions of “true art”, and are made to wear school uniforms and shoes all day, effectively stripping away our uniqueness. Teaching children puts us in touch with our inner child, and is a beautiful way to remind ourselves of who we are at our core. 


Children are also great teachers through their curiosity, and they will sometimes ask questions that will make you stop and think twice. Often times you will have to learn new things in order to answer their questions, and you will do this with grace by saying you do not know either. This will set off a fun adventure for the both of you to go home and find out.

Learning Valuable Skills

When studying Educare, you will learn many things about early childhood development, and what children need as they learn. 


Some things the children will learn: 


  • Sticking to a Regular Schedule and Activities
  • Academic Advancement
  • Behaviour Improvement
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Social Interaction
  • Easier Transition to Grade School

Regular Schedule And Activities

Learning in a structured environment will help children begin to learn many things, such as self-regulation, and self-discipline. 


Learning self-regulation will help them to start to understand their bodies and how they work, such as how to recognise when they are hungry and ask for food, instead of getting upset about something unrelated. 


Learning self-discipline will help them to begin to understand the concepts of right and wrong and mine versus yours. What they can ask for, like a snack trade at breaktime, or a crayon swap when drawing, and what they cannot demand, like a specific chair to sit in, or snatching a crayon instead of asking.

Academic Advancement

Educare is about education as well as care, and so you will begin to help them learn how to learn. They have been learning so far by observing their environment, and now they will begin to learn how to take in specific information rather than just whatever they are interested in at that moment. 


While their academic development is not the primary focus, it is the focus on teaching them how to listen when the teacher is talking, and to pay attention during class time.

Behaviour Improvement

Learning self-regulation and self-discipline will also help them to learn to control their behaviour. They will learn that throwing tantrums is not acceptable. They will also learn how to identify a problem, articulate it, and work out if they need help fixing the problem. The best part is they will learn how to ask for help from those who can give it.

Stronger Immune System

Exposing children to playground dirt, and other children who are also playing in the dirt, along with the way children will always manage to get sticky hands, will help to strengthen their immune systems as they are exposed to new germs. While they are learning to wash the paint off their hands and dirt off their faces, their immune systems will be learning which germs are no good, and learn to defend the body against them.

Social Interaction

Interacting with other children is also very healthy for children. The minds of children work very differently from those of adults, and it is always good to be surrounded by “like-minded” peers. This helps them to learn to interact with each other, as well as what sort of behaviour and social interactions are acceptable.

Easier Transition To Grade School

Learning to follow a schedule, how to interact with others, and asking for help, will make for a much easier transition from preschool to primary school. They will already know about listening when the teacher is talking, paying attention, and acceptable social behaviour. They will also know that learning is important and that asking questions is good.

Can I Study Educare Without Matric?

No, you cannot study Educare without Matric. Accredited Educare courses are NATED courses (National Accredited Technical Education Diploma), which require Matric to apply.

How Can I Study Educare If I Do Not Have Matric?

There are many options available if you want to study Educare but do not have your Matric. These options are:


  • Alternative Courses to Educare
  • Matric Rewrite
  • Matric Upgrade
  • Adult Matric 

Alternative Courses to Educare 

You can choose to study alternative child care courses that do not require Matric. For example, Skills Academy and Ember Academy are two reputable distance learning colleges that offer short courses in child care.


Child Care Courses at Skills Academy

Child Care Courses at Ember Academy 

Matric Rewrite 

Matric Rewrite is an option available to anyone under the age of 21 who has written Matric and would like to improve their results. You may rewrite a maximum of two subjects. These must be subjects you wrote for your Matric final exams, you cannot change subjects for the rewrite. 


Note that if you failed Matric, you will only be allowed to rewrite if improving the marks of two subjects will bring your overall results up from a fail to a pass. There is no limit to the number of times you can rewrite Matric, as long as you are still under the age of 21. 


To apply for a Matric Rewrite, you will need: 


  • A copy of your Statement of Results
  • A certified copy of your ID

Matric Upgrade

Matric Upgrade is an option available to those over the age of 21 who would like to improve their Matric marks. You may upgrade as many subjects as you like. You may choose to change any or all of your elective subjects. 


You may apply for a Matric upgrade as early as 19, but you must be over the age of 21 to write the exams because you will write the Adult Matric exams. There is no limit to the number of times you can upgrade your Matric. 


To apply for a Matric Upgrade, you will need: 


  • A copy of your Statement of Results
  • A certified copy of your ID

Adult Matric

Adult Matric is available to anyone over the age of 21 who did not complete their high school education. Once you have successfully completed your Adult Matric, you will receive a Senior Certificate. This works exactly the same way as a National Senior Certificate/Matric Certificate. 


Once you have completed your Matric course and successfully passed, you can apply to study the NATED Educare courses. NATED courses require Matric, and these courses are designed to help you get your Matric.

Where Can I Study Matric?

There are many reputable distance learning colleges that offer Matric programmes. You can study online Matric through distance learning. Some reputable distance learning colleges are:


What Have We Learned?

Educare is a great career for helping children in their early stages of development. There are many career opportunities even with just the first certificate. You cannot study NATED Educare without Matric. There are alternative child care courses you can study without Matric. You can still get your Matric if you want to study Educare.

Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Amy Venter
Date Published: May 19, 2022

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