Academic Exclusion and Re-admission Rules – Unisa
Unisa students who perform poorly academically throughout the year face the risk of academic exclusion, resulting in students being unable to study further at the undergraduate level.
When it comes to studying via distance learning, it can become an obstacle for most people. It requires patience, motivation, and self-control to study via distance learning rather than students who regularly attend classes.
Many students, unfortunately, do have the tendency to procrastinate. They do it to the extent that it results in poor academic performance. This eventually results in an academic expulsion from their qualification. Many (if not all) universities around the country have rules and regulations when it comes to poor academic performance.
Recently, UNISA has given notice on what a student needs to achieve in order to avoid academic exclusion due to poor academic performance, namely:
- A student must in the first academic year of registration pass at least 36 credits (students in the alternate pathway must pass at least 24 credits in the first year); and
- A student in the second and subsequent years of study must pass at least 48 credits per year (ie in two consecutive semesters).
All undergraduate students would have to adhere to these specific rules. The rules apply regardless of the year the student registered for a formal UNISA qualification. Students MUST complete their qualifications within the allocated time period.
Students whose qualification has phased out and are academically excluded from UNISA, yet have already received the required credits for 2018 should inform UNISA at [email protected]. The closing date is 6 February 2019.
Applications that do not meet the criteria will not be under consideration. It’s worth noting that this is not an extension that could be used as an appeal for an extension.
Re-Admission Rules
Students can obtain readmission to their qualification provided that they:
- provide proof of successful completion of a one-year qualification at an NQF 4 level;
- or higher level at an accredited institution, with at least a minimum of 48 credits completed.
The progression rules below though are subject to the following exceptions:
- UNISA will give an extra year for students to complete their qualification. This is only possible if they have reached the qualification’s maximum time and if there are less than 60 credits outstanding
- Students with disabilities may apply to the Registrar for exemption from the above rules as mentioned regarding the number of credits required.
- Students on extended programmes may apply to the Registrar for an additional year to complete the required number of credits.
- UNISA students who decide not to register for a consecutive academic year must apply for a deferment; the academic year is not taken into consideration in calculating the number of years.
- Students excluded by UNISA on grounds of poor academic performance have the right to appeal the decision via the Registrar.
Together We Pass is a service that provides assistance to students, which includes:
- Providing students with online study groups;
- Access to study resources such as study notes and exam packs,
- Comparing answers with other students by using our Assignment Comparison tool.
If you’re thinking of becoming a distance learning student at UNISA, there’s no reason why you should study alone. If you feel like you might need a study buddy, there’s a large online community just waiting for you. You can find out what we offer by clicking on the link here.
Last Updated: 16 August 2019