Write your exams with confidence!
Want to sharpen you knowledge with interactive online questions and answers? EasyPass is the answer. With thousands of questions… and you can do as many of them as you want, as many times as you want, and any time you want 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… on your PC or on your Phone. If you absolutely must pass, or if you are aiming for that top spot, this is the tool to make sure you rule this exam!
What is EasyPass?
EasyPass provides affordable, online assessments for first year Accounting, Business Management, Commercial Law and Economics. The assessments are aligned to the UNISA prescribed books, and are arranged in modules. In addition, assessments are available for selected bridging subjects.
The assessments are designed to assist you in revising and preparing for your exams by identifying gaps in your knowledge. The questions have been developed by qualified and experienced lecturers.
Why Use EasyPass?
- Identify weak areas prior to writing exams – this will enable you to focus your revision or contact your tutor/ lecturer for assistance.
- Immediate feedback and explanations aid your understanding – so the assessment becomes a learning tool as well as a revision test.
- Assessments test both knowledge retention and understanding of the topic – once you master a topic you can tackle exams with condence.
Easypass Unisa Subjects (Revision)
- 1A (UNISA FAC1501) – R350
- 1B (UNISA FAC1601) – R350
- 1A (UNISA ECS1501) – R350
- 1B (UNISA ECS1601) – R350
Business Management
- 1A (UNISA MNB1501) – R350
- 1B (UNISA MNB1601) – R350
Commercial Law
- 1A (UNISA CLA1501) – R350
- 1B (UNISA CLA1502) – R350