ICB Portfolio of Evidence (PoE)
What is a PoE?
The PoE is a collection of all of your assignments and tests completed over the course of the year before your exam. Each assignment is made to ensure you understand the work as you progress throughout the year, and will count toward 30% of your final mark. All assignments, once completed and marked, will be collected into one single PoE that you must submit before your exam.
PoE is now online
As of the 2021 academic year, the PoE will be completely digital, and will be submitted online prior to your exam.
The new PoE system has three learning phases, and each phase has an assignment once you have completed it.
In learning phases one and two, the assignments are completed and submitted online. These assignments are auto-marked, meaning students will receive immediate feedback on their assignment.
The third learning phase assignment will need to be downloaded offline and printed, and then completed. Once it is complete, students will need to scan the document and submit it as a single pdf file.
There are two tests that will be done, one in phase one, and the other in phase two. These, like the assignments for phase one and two, will be completed and submitted online. These will also be auto-marked, and so students will receive immediate feedback on these tests.
The difference between assignments and tests is that the tests will be timed, and you will need to complete it in a single log-in. This means there is limited time in which to complete the test, and you cannot log out and log back in again at any point during the test.
Your Browser
Be aware that Google Chrome is set to be the default browser for all ICB assignments, and while another browser may be used, you may not have access to all features of the assignments, and so it may hinder your ability to complete your PoE. It is recommended that you make sure you have access to Google Chrome so that you can fully complete your PoE.
Your PoE and Your Exam
You will be required to submit your PoE at least 48 hours before your exam. This is to ensure that all of your assignments and tests have been completed, and that you are eligible to write the exam. You will not be allowed to write the exam if you do not submit your PoE, or if any assignments or tests are missing or incomplete.
Author: Chloe Bydawell
Editor: Chloe Bydawell
Date Published: February, 11, 2022