UNISA Bursaries 2020: Honours, Master’s & Doctoral

Students looking to study and fund their Honours/Masters/Doctoral studies at UNISA can now apply for a number of bursaries provided by UNISA for the 2020 academic year.

Trying to fund your studies can prove difficult, especially with other expenses getting in the way. However, the university has provided a lifeline to honours, masters, and doctoral students seeking to further their studies in the form of bursaries.

Also Read: Bursaries and Scholarships – November/December 2019

UNISA Bursaries 2020: Honours

UNISA Honours Bursary

The UNISA Honours Bursary is available only to South African students already registered for a Honours degree at UNISA. Students looking to apply for the UNISA Honours Bursary have to provide the university with the following documents:

  • A copy of your academic record; and
  • A copy of your identity document.

While the bursary only covers tuition fees, it does not cover modules that were previously failed by the student. The possibility of full funding of the bursary for all modules of their honours degree to the applicant is not a guarantee. Instead, successful applicants could receive limited funding towards their honours degree.

A selection committee decides the outcome of which applicants will receive a UNISA Honours bursary. All decisions made by the selection committee are final.

Covered students will have to pass all funded modules in order to be under consideration for funding of their second year of study.

Students who completed their undergrad studies at a tertiary institution other than UNISA will be under consideration. However, preference is provided to UNISA students.

Students have until 31 January 2020 to apply for the UNISA Honours Bursary.

UNISA Bursaries 2020: Master’s/Doctoral

There are two different types of UNISA bursaries available for students when it comes to Master’s and Doctoral degrees:

  1. Master’s degree by dissertation & doctoral studies; and
  2. Master’s degree by coursework.

Master’s Degree by Dissertation & Doctoral Studies (and Experimental Research)

The UNISA bursary for Master’s degree by dissertation & doctoral studies (and experimental research) is a bursary available to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Have a complete and approved research proposal module at UNISA. Note that the research proposal module is not covered for funding by the bursary
  • A report by the supervisor for both first-time and reapplying students. The report details the recommended financial support that’s based on quality submissions;
  • Approval by the Master’s and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee. The approval is based on academic progress by the student, the standard of the submitted work, the prioritization of research fields, innovative specialisations, and the appropriate methodology used.

The bursary is available to both South African and non-South African students, with preference given to South African students. Students who are already registered for a second Master’s/Doctoral qualification will not be under consideration for the bursary.

As with the UNISA Honours Bursary, the awarding of the bursary is dependent on available funds. However, students will have to submit an application for funding each year as well as a budget that does not exceed the amount stipulated per year.

With regards to experimental research, approved students will receive a stipend of R5,400 pm for 6 months. The amount’s included in the research budget.

Applications for the Master’s degree by dissertation & doctoral studies (and experimental research) UNISA bursary closes on 31 January 2020. Incomplete and late submission of applications will not be under consideration by UNISA’s selection committee. 

Only online applications for the bursary will be under consideration. Additionally, the applicant and their supervisor must complete the UNISA 2020 Master’s and Doctoral Motivational Form (for online submission ONLY), which is available to download here.

Master’s Degree by Coursework

Students currently registered for a Coursework Masters Degree can apply for a UNISA bursary. The bursary is available to both South African and non-South African students, with preference given to the former.

Potential bursary candidates will be eligible for the UNISA bursary if they meet the following requirements:

  • Have passed at least two (2) modules towards a coursework Master’s degree.
  • A positive report from a supervisor that recommends financial support on the grounds of academic performance in the already completed coursework modules.
  • Approval by the Master’s and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee based on the already completed coursework modules and a supervisor’s report

Note that a completed application form does not guarantee funding from UNISA. Additionally, the following do not qualify for a Master’s Degree by Coursework UNISA bursary:

  • Permanent UNISA staff. It is a rule that UNISA staff have to apply for the Masters and Doctoral Support Programme (MDSP);
  • Students who are registering for their second or third Master’s degree;
  • Students who have completed a Doctorate;
  • Students who have not successfully completed a minimum of two (2) modules required for the coursework Masters.

ONLY online applications will be under consideration for the UNISA bursary. Furthermore, late and/or incomplete applications for the UNISA bursary will not be considered for approval.

The awarding of the bursary is dependent on available funding from UNISA. 

The closing date for applications for the Master’s degree by coursework UNISA bursary closes on 31 January 2020. The applicant and their supervisor must complete the UNISA 2020 Master’s and Doctoral Motivational Form (for online submission ONLY), which is available to download here.

For further guidelines on the Master’s and Doctoral bursaries, read more online here

Research Budgets for Bursaries

Registered UNISA Master’s/Doctoral students looking to apply for their respective bursary will have to submit a research budget proposal.

The selection of applicants for the research budget is subject to approval by the supervisor as well as the Masters and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee.

Note that funds for research will be paid to submitted and approved research plans only. To claim funds from the research budget, students will have to submit a refund request form to receive funding. Funding will not be provided to students who fail to submit a refund request form for funding.

When it comes to research budget funding for the different UNISA bursaries, they each have different criteria:

Masters by Dissertation and Experimental Research

  • Successful applicants will have their tuition fees automatically paid by the bursary division for a maximum of 3 years on applications received for each year. 
  • Research funds totaling R55 000.00  

This is the largest amount allowed for research activities for the duration of study per qualification. A detailed budget indicating expenditure needs to be submitted each year upon re-application. 

Research funds are only paid out via the already approved budget of R55 000 per qualification. The total includes all years of research expenditure.

Submitted research budgets will be subject to approval by both the supervisor and the Masters and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee.

Masters by Coursework 

Tuition fees are covered for a maximum of two (2) years. Furthermore, research funds will not exceed R25 000 while the student is registered for the dissertation module.

Doctoral Research 

  • Successful applicants will have their tuition fees automatically paid by the bursary division for a maximum of 4 years on the application received for each year. 
  • Research funds totaling R80 000.00.

This is the largest amount allowed for research activities for the duration of study per qualification. A detailed budget indicating expenditure needs to be submitted each year upon re-application. 

Research funds are only paid out via the submitted and approved budget of R80 000 per qualification. The total includes all years of research expenditure.

Submitted research budgets will be subject to approval by both the supervisor and the Masters and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee.

Doctoral by Experimental Research 

  • Successful applicants will have their tuition fees automatically paid by the bursary division for a maximum of 4 years on the application received for each year. 
  • Research funds totaling R120 000.00

This is the maximum amount allowed for research activities for the duration of study per qualification. A detailed budget indicating expenditure needs to be submitted each year upon re-application. 

Research funds are only paid out via the submitted and approved budget of R120 000 per qualification. The total includes all years of research expenditure.

Submitted research budgets will be subject to approval by both the supervisor and the Masters and Doctoral Research Bursary Committee.

Apply for the UNISA Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral bursaries by visiting the myUNISA website or online here.

Published on 20 December 2019

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