What Strategies Can Help Me Succeed in Online Exams?

Facing an online exam? Do not sweat it! With our proven strategies, you will be ready to ace any test that comes your way. Whether it is your first time tackling an online exam or you are looking to improve your previous performance, our guide is here to help. We understand that online exams can seem daunting, with their unique format and requirements.

What Are The Best Tips For Taking Online Exams?

Online exams have become a staple of distance learning, offering flexibility and convenience. However, they also present unique challenges. To navigate these effectively, it is essential to adopt specific strategies tailored to the online environment. Understanding the technical requirements is just the beginning. 


Effective preparation goes beyond just reviewing course material; it involves creating a conducive exam environment, managing time efficiently, and employing techniques to reduce anxiety.

How To Prepare For An Online Exam?

Preparing for an online exam might seem different from traditional tests, but do not worry, it is manageable with the right approach. In this guide, we will provide you with unique and effective tips to ensure you are fully prepared. From setting up your study environment to mastering online tools, we will cover everything you need to know to approach your online exam confidently.

Familiarize Yourself With The Technology

Ensure you understand how the online exam platform works. Practice navigating through it to avoid any technical issues during the exam.

Set Clear Goals

Identify what you need to learn and set clear, achievable goals. This will give your study sessions a sense of purpose.

Use Active Learning Techniques

Active learning techniques, such as summarizing information in your own words or teaching the material to someone else, can enhance your understanding and retention of the course content.

Form A Study Group

Studying with peers can be beneficial. You can share resources, discuss complex topics, and learn from each other.

Take Care Of Your Health

Your physical health can impact your ability to study effectively. Ensure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and taking time to relax.

How Do I Choose A Good Study Space For An Online Exam?

Choosing the right study space is a critical factor in your success in an online exam. The environment you study in has a significant impact on your ability to concentrate, absorb information, and perform well in your exam. 


Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:


  • Find a Quiet Place
  • Ensure Comfort
  • Stay Organized
  • Check Your Tech
  • Personalize Your Space
  • Keep It Clean

Find a Quiet Place

Look for a place where you will  not be easily distracted. This could be a quiet room in your house, a library, or even a peaceful outdoor location. The key is to find a place where you can focus without interruptions. Noise-cancelling headphones can also be useful if you are in a noisy environment.

Ensure Comfort

Comfort is key when studying for long periods. Make sure you have a comfortable chair and desk, and that the room is well-lit and at a comfortable temperature. Ergonomics also play a role in comfort. Your desk and chair should be at the right height, and your computer screen should be at eye level to avoid strain.

Stay Organized

Keep your study materials organized. This will help you stay focused and make your study sessions more efficient. Use folders, binders, or digital tools to keep your notes, textbooks, and other study materials organized.

Check Your Tech

Make sure you have reliable internet access and that your computer or tablet is functioning properly. Remember to keep your devices charged! Also, familiarize yourself with the online exam platform beforehand to avoid any technical issues during the exam.

Personalize Your Space

Add personal touches to your study space that make it inviting and inspiring. This could be photos of loved ones, inspirational quotes, or even a plant for a touch of nature.

Keep It Clean

A clean space is a productive space. Regularly tidy up your study area to keep it free of clutter.

How Do I Create A Study Schedule For An Online Exam?

Creating a study schedule for an online exam is an essential part of your preparation. A well-planned study schedule can help you manage your time effectively, cover all the necessary material, and reduce stress. 


Here are some key steps to create a successful study schedule:

Step 1: Identify Your Study Goals

Start by identifying what you need to learn. Break down the course material into manageable sections and set specific goals for each. 

Step 2: Determine Your Available Time

Next, look at your daily routine and determine how much time you can realistically dedicate to studying each day. Be sure to account for other commitments like work, family time, and relaxation.

Step 3: Prioritize Your Study Material

Not all study materials are created equal. Some topics may require more time and attention than others. Prioritize your study material based on its importance and difficulty.

Step 4: Create A Timetable

Now that you have your goals, available time, and priorities, create a timetable. Allocate specific time slots for each topic or task and stick to them.

Step 5: Include Breaks

Studying for long periods without breaks can lead to burnout. Include short breaks in your schedule to rest and recharge.

Step 6: Review And Adjust Your Schedule

Your study schedule is not set in stone. Review it regularly and make adjustments as needed.

How To Study For Different Types Of Online Exam Questions

When it comes to studying for online exams, it is not just about how much you study, but also how you study, especially with different types of questions popping up. Tackling multiple-choice, essay, or true/false questions – they all require a bit of a different touch.

How To Answer Multiple-Choice Questions On An Online Exam?

Multiple-choice questions are a common feature in online exams. They can test a wide range of your knowledge, from specific details to broad concepts. Here are some strategies to help you answer multiple choice questions effectively:


  • Understand The Question
  • Predict The Answer
  • Process Of Elimination
  • Look For Clues
  • Take Your Time
  • Review Your Answers

Understand The Question

The first step in answering a multiple choice question is to read the question carefully. It is important to understand exactly what the question is asking. Look for keywords or phrases that indicate the focus of the question. 

Predict The Answer

Before you look at the answer options, try to come up with an answer on your own based on your understanding of the material. This strategy can help you avoid being misled by incorrect options and can make the correct answer stand out when you look at the options.

Process Of Elimination

If you are not sure about the correct answer, try eliminating the options that you know are incorrect. This process of elimination can increase your chances of choosing the correct answer. Even if you can not eliminate all the incorrect options, reducing the number of options can still increase your odds of guessing correctly.

Look For Clues

Sometimes, the answer options themselves can give you clues about the correct answer. For example, if two options are very similar or exact opposites, one of them is likely to be correct. Also, grammatical clues in the question might point towards a particular option.

Take Your Time

Rushing through multiple-choice questions can lead to careless mistakes. Take your time to read and understand both the question and each of the answer options.

Review Your Answers

If time allows, review your answers before submitting your exam to make sure you have not made any mistakes or misread any questions.

How To Answer True/False Questions On An Online Exam?

True/False questions are a common type of question in online exams. While they might seem straightforward, they can sometimes be tricky and require a deep understanding of the subject. Here are some strategies to help you answer True/False questions effectively:


  • Understand The Statement
  • Look For Absolute Terms
  • Break Down Complex Statements
  • Trust Your Instincts
  • Review Your Answers

Understand The Statement

The first step in answering a True/False question is to carefully read and understand the statement. Every word in the statement matters, and changing even one word can change the meaning of the statement. Pay close attention to the details and make sure you understand exactly what the statement is saying.

Look For Absolute Terms

Absolute terms like “always,” “never,” “all,” or “none” can often indicate that a statement is false. This is because a few things in life are  always or never true. However, this is not a foolproof rule, and there are exceptions. So, while absolute terms can be a clue, they should not be the sole basis for determining whether a statement is true or false.

Break Down Complex Statements

If a statement is complex or contains multiple parts, try breaking it down into smaller parts. If any part of the statement is false, then the whole statement is usually false. This strategy can be particularly useful for long or complicated statements.

Trust Your Instincts

If you have studied well and understand the material, trust your first instinct. Often, your first response is the correct one. However, this does not mean you should rush. Take your time to consider each statement carefully.

Review Your Answers

Always review your answers before submitting your exam. Make sure you have not misread any statements or made any careless mistakes. Even if you are running out of time, a quick review is better than no review at all.

How To Answer Short Answer Questions On An Online Exam?

Short-answer questions are a common component of online exams. They require a concise and direct response, usually a few sentences or a paragraph, to a specific question or prompt. Here are some strategies to help you effectively answer short answer questions on an online exam:


  • Understand The Question
  • Plan Your Answer
  • Be Concise And Direct
  • Use Full Sentences
  • Review Your Answer

Understand The Question

Before you start writing your answer, make sure you understand what the question is asking. Look for keywords in the question that indicate what you should focus on in your response.

Plan Your Answer

Before you start writing, take a moment to plan your answer. Identify the key points you want to make and the order in which you want to make them.

Be Concise And Direct

Short answer questions typically require a concise and direct response. Avoid unnecessary details or elaborations. Stick to the point and make sure every sentence contributes to your answer.

Use Full Sentences

Even though your response should be concise, it is still important to use full sentences. This helps ensure your answer is clear and well-structured.

Review Your Answer

After writing your answer, take a moment to review it. Make sure it fully answers the question and is free of spelling or grammatical errors.

How Do I Manage Time During An Online Exam?

Managing time effectively during an online exam can be the difference between a good score and a great one. It can help you ensure that you answer all questions to the best of your ability and reduce the stress associated with the ticking clock. Here are some strategies to help you manage your time effectively during an online exam:

Understand The Exam Format

Before the exam, make sure you understand the format of the exam. How many questions are there? What types of questions are included (multiple-choice, short answer, essay, etc.)? How much time is allocated for the exam? Understanding the format can help you plan how much time to allocate to each question or section.

Plan Your Time

Once you know the format of the exam, plan your time accordingly. Divide the total time by the number of questions or sections to get an idea of how much time you can spend on each. Remember to leave some time at the end for review.

Prioritize Questions

Not all questions are created equal. Some questions may be worth more points, some may take longer to answer, and some may be on topics you are more comfortable with. Prioritize your questions based on these factors. Consider answering high-value or comfortable questions first to secure those points.

Keep Track Of Time

During the exam, keep an eye on the clock or set a timer to help you stay on track. If you find yourself spending too much time on a question, consider moving on and coming back to it later if time allows.

Can I Use Notes On My Online Exam?

Online exams are a convenient and flexible way of assessing your knowledge and skills in distance learning courses. However, online exams also come with some challenges and questions, such as whether you can use notes or other resources during the exam.


The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the type of exam, the instructions given by your instructor, the policies of your institution, and the ethical implications of using notes.

Type Of Exam

Online exams can be classified into two main types: open-book and closed-book. Open-book exams allow you to use notes, textbooks, or other resources during the exam, while closed-book exams do not.


The type of exam determines the level of difficulty, the format of questions, the duration of the exam, and the expectations of your instructor.

Open-Book Exams

Open-book exams emphasize higher-order thinking skills by asking students to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios, solve complex problems, and explore or compare concepts. These exams often feature longer, more intricate questions that require in-depth understanding and extended effort to answer.


To prepare for open-book exams, you should:

  • Review your notes and textbooks thoroughly and organize them in a way that makes it easy for you to find relevant information quickly.
  • Highlight or bookmark key points, definitions, formulas, examples, or diagrams that you may need to refer to during the exam.
  • Create summaries or outlines of the main topics or themes covered in the course, and link them to specific pages or sections in your notes or textbooks.
  • Practice answering sample questions or past papers using your notes or textbooks as references.
  • Check with your instructor if there are any restrictions or limitations on what resources you can use during the exam.

To take open-book exams, you should:

  • Follow the instructions given by your instructor carefully and adhere to the time limit and the number of attempts allowed for the exam.
  • Use your notes or textbooks as references only, and not as substitutes for your knowledge or understanding.
  • Avoid copying or paraphrasing information from your notes or textbooks directly without citing the source or explaining how it relates to the question.
  • Use your own words and examples to demonstrate your comprehension and application of the concepts or principles.
  • Check your answers for accuracy, clarity, completeness, and relevance before submitting them.
Closed-Book Exams

Closed-book exams typically assess lower-order thinking skills like recall and comprehension, focusing on questions about facts, definitions, and procedures. These exams usually feature shorter, simpler questions that demand less time and effort to answer.


To prepare for closed-book exams, you should:

  • Review your notes and textbooks regularly and memorize key information that you may need to recall during the exam.
  • Test yourself or quiz yourself on the material using flashcards, practice questions, or online tools.
  • Review your feedback or corrections from previous assignments or tests and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Focus on understanding rather than memorizing the concepts or principles, and try to relate them to real-life examples or situations.
  • Check with your instructor if there are any topics or areas that you should pay more attention to or review more thoroughly.

To take closed-book exams, you should:

  • Follow the instructions given by your instructor carefully and adhere to the time limit and the number of attempts allowed for the exam.
  • Rely on your memory and understanding rather than on external resources or aids.
  • Avoid guessing or making up answers that you are not sure about.
  • Use logic, reasoning, elimination, or estimation techniques to solve problems or answer questions that you find difficult.
  • Check your answers for accuracy, clarity, completeness, and relevance before submitting them.

Instructions Given By Your Instructor

Before starting an online exam, it is crucial to understand your instructor’s guidelines regarding the exam format, allowed materials, time limits, number of attempts, grading criteria, and rules. Ensure you are clear on these instructions, and do not hesitate to ask your instructor for clarification, particularly about using notes or resources, to avoid any misunderstandings.

Policies Of Your Institution

Your institution’s policies, covering academic honesty, plagiarism, cheating, proctoring, accessibility, accommodations, and procedures for extensions or appeals, are crucial for online exams. Understanding and following these rules, especially regarding the use of notes and resources, is essential to avoid policy violations.

Ethical Implications Of Using Notes

Using notes in online exams can be tricky. If your school or teacher says no to notes, using them is a no-go. It is not just about getting a bad grade; it can mess up your reputation and future chances. Stay honest and do not sneak in notes or get answers from others. Stick to what is allowed, use notes just to jog your memory, and always give credit where it is due. Remember, your work should show what you know and can do, all by yourself.

What Should I Do If I Get Stuck On A Question During An Online Exam?

Online exams in distance learning are convenient and flexible, but they can present challenges, particularly when you get stuck on a question. This situation can lead to frustration, anxiety, and a loss of focus, potentially wasting valuable time. However, there are effective strategies to manage this issue and enhance your chances of responding correctly. Here are some strategies you can use if you get stuck on a question during an online exam:


  • Skip The Question
  • Use Process Of Elimination
  • Use Logic And Reasoning
  • Use Context Clues

Skip The Question

A useful strategy for online exams is to skip difficult questions and proceed to the ones you find easier. This prevents spending too much time on one question and helps maintain confidence and exam momentum. However, it is important to mark these skipped questions for later review, where you can try eliminating wrong answers or make an educated guess.

Use Process Of Elimination

Another strategy is to use the process of elimination to narrow down the possible answers. This is especially helpful for multiple-choice questions, where you can eliminate the options that are incorrect, irrelevant, or contradictory. This will increase your chances of choosing the correct answer from the remaining options.


To use the process of elimination effectively, you should:

  • Read the question carefully and identify the keywords, terms, or concepts.
  • Read all the options carefully and compare them with the question and your knowledge.
  • Eliminate the options that are wrong, irrelevant, or contradictory.
  • Look for clues or hints in the wording of the options, such as qualifiers, absolutes, or extremes.
  • Choose the option that is most consistent with the question and your knowledge.

Use Logic And Reasoning

Another strategy is to use logic and reasoning to solve problems or answer questions that you find difficult. This is especially helpful for questions that involve calculations, formulas, diagrams, or scenarios. This will help you apply your knowledge and skills to the question and find a solution.


To use logic and reasoning effectively, you should:

  • Break down the question into smaller parts or steps.
  • Write down any information, data, or formulas that are given or that you know.
  • Use any tools or aids that are allowed, such as calculators, scrap paper, or notes.
  • Check your calculations or solutions for errors or mistakes.
  • Verify your answer by plugging it back into the question or using another method.

Use Context Clues

Another strategy is to use context clues to infer or deduce information that is not directly given in the question. This is especially helpful for questions that involve vocabulary, definitions, meanings, or interpretations. This will help you use your existing knowledge and understanding  to answer the question.


To use context clues effectively, you should:

  • Look for words or phrases that provide clues about the meaning or significance of the word or concept in question.
  • Look for synonyms, antonyms, examples, explanations, comparisons, contrasts, or cause-and-effect relationships that can help you understand the word or concept in question.
  • Look for prefixes, suffixes, roots, or word parts that can help you figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • Look for clues in other parts of the exam, such as previous questions, passages, diagrams, or tables that can help you answer the question.

Online exams are a common and convenient way of assessing your knowledge and skills in distance learning courses. However, online exams also require you to be prepared, informed, and strategic when answering questions.

How To Avoid Technical Difficulties During An Online Exam?

Online exams are a convenient and flexible way of assessing your knowledge and skills in distance learning courses. However, online exams also come with some challenges and risks, such as technical difficulties that can affect your performance or even prevent you from completing the exam.

What Should I Do If I Have A Technical Problem During An Online Exam?

Online exams are a convenient and flexible way of assessing your knowledge and skills in distance learning courses. However, online exams also come with some challenges and risks, such as technical problems that can influence your performance or even prevent you from completing the exam.


Technical problems can include issues such as:

  • Poor or unstable internet connection
  • Power outage or battery failure
  • Computer malfunction or crash
  • Software error or compatibility problem
  • Browser issue or pop-up blocker
  • Webcam or microphone failure
  • Invigilation or authentication problem

These issues can cause frustration, stress, anxiety, or panic during the exam. They can also result in losing time, marks, or attempts for the exam. They can even lead to academic misconduct allegations or penalties if they are not reported or resolved properly.

Tips And Guidelines For Dealing With Technical Problems

Here are some tips and guidelines for dealing with technical problems during an online exam:

Before The Exam
  • Thoroughly read and follow the exam’s instructions, requirements, and rules.
  • Know the exam’s type, format, duration, date, time, and location.
  • Understand what resources and tools are allowed or prohibited.
  • Be clear about grading, scoring, submission guidelines, and consequences of rule violations.
  • Familiarize yourself with institutional policies on academic honesty, proctoring, and online exam procedures.
  • Prepare your device and environment, ensuring compatibility and functionality with exam software.
  • Test your device, internet connection, webcam, and microphone.
  • Organize study materials for easy reference and review key concepts.
  • Plan your exam strategy, allocating time for each section and question.
During The Exam
  • Strictly adhere to the exam instructions and start and finish on time.
  • Use only permitted resources and tools; avoid unfair advantages.
  • Contact the instructor or proctor for technical issues and follow their guidance.
  • Stay calm and focused, using logical strategies to answer questions.
  • Review answers before submission.
After The Exam
  • Ensure successful exam submission and keep confirmation for records.
  • Review scores and grades, and contact instructors for any concerns or discrepancies.
  • Learn from the experience, identify areas for improvement, and prepare for future exams.

How To Troubleshoot Common Online Exam Problems?

When taking online exams, encountering technical issues can be a significant hindrance. It is essential to have strategies in place for troubleshooting common problems that may arise. 

Here is a guide to help you navigate these challenges and ensure a smooth exam experience.

Internet Connection Problems

A stable internet connection is crucial for online exams. If you encounter connectivity issues, here are the steps to resolve them:


  1. Check Your Connection: Verify your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is active. If using Wi-Fi, ensure you are within range of the router.
  2. Limit Bandwidth Usage: Close unnecessary applications and devices that may be using the internet.
  3. Restart Your Router: Sometimes, simply restarting your router can resolve connectivity issues.
  4. Contact Your ISP: If problems persist, contact your internet service provider for assistance.

Computer Or Software Malfunctions

Computer crashes or software glitches can occur without warning. To troubleshoot:

  1. System Requirements: Ensure your computer meets the software requirements for the exam platform.
  2. Update Software: Keep your operating system and exam software updated to the latest versions.
  3. Restart Your Computer: Before the exam, restart your computer to clear any running processes that could cause issues.
  4. Close Unnecessary Programs: Running too many programs simultaneously can slow down your computer.

Browser Issues

Web browsers can sometimes cause difficulty with online exam platforms. To fix browser-related issues:

  1. Clear Cache and Cookies: Regularly clear your browser’s cache and cookies to prevent loading issues.
  2. Use Supported Browsers: Make sure you are using a browser supported by the exam platform.
  3. Disable Extensions: Browser extensions can interfere with exam software; disable them before starting your exam.

Hardware Failures

Webcam and microphone failures are common hardware issues during online exams:

  1. Test Hardware: Before the exam, test your webcam and microphone to ensure they are working correctly.
  2. Check Permissions: Verify that your browser or exam software has permission to access your webcam and microphone.
  3. Have Backups Ready: If possible, have backup hardware available in case of failure.

Power Outages

Power outages can disrupt an online exam unexpectedly:

  1. Use a UPS: A Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) can provide backup power and protect against surges.
  2. Save Work Frequently: If the exam platform allows, save your progress frequently to avoid data loss.

Authentication Issues

Problems with logging in or verifying identity can also occur:

  1. Check Login Credentials: Ensure you have the correct login information ready before the exam starts.
  2. Understand Verification Processes: Familiarize yourself with any required verification processes ahead of time.

What Are Some Tips For Taking Online Exams On A Mobile Device?

Online exams offer a flexible way to assess knowledge in distance learning, but they come with challenges like technical disruptions. Taking exams on mobile devices is an alternative for those without a computer, offering portability despite drawbacks like smaller screens and potential compatibility issues.

Before The Exam

  • Read and understand the exam instructions, requirements, policies, and procedures.
  • Prepare your device and environment, ensuring compatibility, internet stability, and proper functioning of the webcam and microphone.
  • Test your device and connection beforehand.
  • Review and organize your notes and materials, focusing on key points.
  • Plan your time and strategy for each question, using appropriate techniques for unsure answers.

During The Exam

  • Follow the exam rules strictly.
  • Contact your instructor or proctor immediately for technical issues.
  • Request an extension or rescheduling if technical problems significantly impact your performance.
  • Stay calm, focus on answerable questions, and review your answers before submission.

After The Exam

  • Ensure your exam submission is confirmed.
  • If needed, contact your instructor for any clarifications, or request a review or remark of your exam.
  • Reflect on your performance to identify strengths and weaknesses, and seek feedback to improve for future online exams.

How To Deal With Test Anxiety During An Online Exam

Online exams can be a source of anxiety for many students. The unfamiliar format, the pressure of the timer ticking down, and the solitude of the testing environment can all contribute to increased stress levels. However, some strategies can help you manage this anxiety and perform to the best of your ability.

How Do I Stay Motivated To Study For An Online Exam?

Keeping your motivation high for an online exam is not always easy, right? With the freedom that comes with online learning, it is tempting to put off studying and lose focus. But do not worry, there are some effective strategies out there that can keep you on track and help you hit those academic targets. Let us explore these together and keep that study energy up!

Set Clear Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose in your studies. Break down your study material into manageable chunks and set a goal for each study session.

Create A Study Schedule

A study schedule can provide structure and routine. Allocate specific times for studying and stick to them. This can help you avoid last-minute cramming and reduce stress.

Use Active Learning Techniques

Active learning techniques such as summarizing information in your own words, teaching the material to someone else, or creating mind maps can make studying more engaging and effective.

Reward Yourself

Rewards can be a great motivator. Treat yourself to something you enjoy after reaching a study goal. This could be a short break, a favourite snack, or an episode of a TV show.

Stay Connected

Studying for an online exam does not have to be a solitary activity. Connect with classmates or join online study groups. Discussing the material with others can enhance your understanding and make studying more enjoyable.

Maintain A Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for staying motivated. Remind yourself of why you are studying and what you hope to achieve. Visualize your success in the exam and beyond.

Take Care Of Your Health

Physical health has a significant impact on motivation and energy levels. Ensure you are getting regular exercise, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep.


Remember, motivation comes and goes. It is normal to have days when you feel less motivated. The key is to not let these days derail your overall progress. Stay focused on your goals, use strategies that work for you, and remember that every bit of effort brings you one step closer to success.

How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety Before And During An Online Exam

Stress and anxiety are common experiences for students preparing for and taking online exams. However, there are several strategies you can use to manage these feelings and perform your best on the exam.

Understand Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural response to a perceived threat or challenge. Recognizing this can help you understand that it is normal to feel anxious before an exam. It is your body’s way of preparing you for the task ahead.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety. These might include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. Practice these techniques regularly, not just when you are feeling anxious.

Relaxation Techniques

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Guided imagery

Prepare Thoroughly

Thorough preparation can help reduce anxiety by increasing your confidence in your ability to perform well on the exam. This includes understanding the format of the exam, reviewing the material, and practising with sample questions.

Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Physical health can significantly impact mental well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can help manage stress levels.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips:

  • Regular exercise
  • Balanced diet
  • Adequate sleep

Create A Positive Study Environment

Your study environment can influence your mood and concentration levels. Choose a quiet, comfortable space with good lighting. Keep your study area clean and organized to minimize distractions.

Use Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements that can help you challenge and overcome self-doubt. Repeat these affirmations to yourself when you start feeling anxious.

Examples Of Positive Affirmations:

  • I am prepared for this exam.
  • I am capable of passing this exam.
  • I have studied hard and know the material.

Seek Support

If stress and anxiety become overwhelming, do not hesitate to seek support. This could be from a counsellor, a trusted teacher, or a supportive friend or family member.


Now that you have got these strategies under your belt, you are ready to tackle any online exam. Remember, every test is just another opportunity to learn and grow. You have got this!

People Also Asked

  • Meditate regularly.
  • Study in a quiet place.
  • Remove distractions.
  • Focus on the plan.
  • Reward yourself.
  • Regular sleep.
  • Use online tools.
  • Find an effective study method.
  • Be an active learner.
  • Practice some mental concentration strategies.
  • Sit the exam at the home of a friend or family member with a better internet connectio.
  • Use the personal hotspot on your phone to create a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Sit the exam in a location that meets the criteria of a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and other people will not come into the webcam view.
  • What are the common technical issues during an online exam, and how can I prevent them?
  • Disconnection from the internet: Log back in and reconnect. If something happens, and you are not able to complete your assessment, you will be able to apply for Special Consideration8.
  • Computer device shutdown or Restart: Log back in again and continue the quiz activity from where it left off. With the User Override option in the Quiz administration block, you can be given additional time or make-up exams.
  • Power outage: Log back in again and continue the quiz activity from where it left off.

Open-book exams are often more challenging than other types of tests. They require you to understand the material and be able to apply or analyse information rather than just remember it. Consequently, open-book exams require deep knowledge of the material and the ability to see connections.

Author: Roegshana Pamplin
Editor: Caitlin Roux
Date Published: February 15, 2024

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