How Many Matric Subjects Can I Rewrite?

When doing a Matric Rewrite, you may rewrite a maximum of four subjects. You may not change subjects for a Matric Rewrite, you must rewrite subjects you wrote for your Matric final exams. 

Can I Rewrite 3 Subjects?

Yes, you can rewrite three subjects. You may rewrite four subjects or fewer. If you failed Matric and will not pass by improving the marks in four subjects, you will not be allowed to do a rewrite.

How Many Times Can I Rewrite My Matric?

There is no limit to the number of times you can rewrite your Matric as long as you are still under the age of 21. 

Can I Rewrite My Matric And Change Subjects?

No, you cannot change subjects for a Matric Rewrite. You may only change subjects for a Matric Upgrade. You must be over the age of 21 to do a Matric Upgrade.


Also Read: How Can Matric Results Be Improved?


Can I Rewrite My Matric After 10 Years?

No, you cannot rewrite your Matric after 10 years. However, you can do a Matric Upgrade instead. 


You must be over the age of 21 to write the Matric Upgrade exams because you will write the Adult Matric exams. You may upgrade as many subjects as you like, and you may also choose to change any or all of your elective subjects. 

Can I Rewrite Matric At UNISA?

No, you cannot do a Matric Rewrite at UNISA. UNISA only offers tertiary education courses because it is a university. However, you can study for a Matric Rewrite through a reputable distance learning college, such as: 

Who Qualifies For Matric Rewrite?

Anyone under the age of 21 qualifies to apply for a Matric Rewrite if:

  • You failed Matric but can pass by improving the results of four subjects or fewer
  • You passed Matric but are unsatisfied with your results and would like to improve the marks in two subjects 

How Much Does It Cost To Rewrite Matric Subjects?

A Matric Rewrite is free. The cost will be the fees of the school or college where you study for your Matric Rewrite. 

How Many Subjects Can You Change In Matric?

Once you have reached Matric, you may only change one subject. The deadline to change your subject is 31 July each year. In Grade 10 and 11, you may change two subjects. 

Can I Pass Matric With 5 Subjects?

You cannot pass school Matric with five subjects. However, you can pass Adult Matric with five subjects. 


For school Matric, you will write seven subjects. You must pass six of the seven subjects. For Adult Matric, you will write six subjects. You must pass five of the six subjects. 


Can You Fail 2 Subjects In Matric?

No, you cannot fail two subjects in Matric. You may only fail one subject. For school Matric, you must pass six out of seven subjects. For Adult Matric, you must pass five out of six subjects. 

Also Read: Matric Points for University Entrance

What Have We Learned?

  • You may rewrite a maximum of four subjects
  • You may rewrite Matric as many times as you like, as long as you are still under the age of 21
  • You cannot change subjects for a Matric Rewrite, they must be subjects you wrote for your Matric final exams
  • You cannot rewrite your Matric after 10 years. However, you can do a Matric Upgrade instead
  • You cannot do a Matric Rewrite at UNISA
  • Anyone under the age of 21 who would like to improve the marks of four subjects or fewer qualifies for a Matric Rewrite
  • It is free to rewrite your Matric. The cost will be the fees of the school or college where you study for your Matric Rewrite
  • You can pass school Matric with six subjects. You can pass Adult Matric with five subjects. You may fail one subject and still pass Matric

Author: Chloe Bydawell

Editor: Razeen Dollie

Date: June 8, 2022

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