Exams for UNISA students do not always go as planned, and sometimes we get a disappointing, or even shocking, result. Don’t let it dishearten you, or make you feel bad about yourself. But DO take it as an opportunity to take an honest look at the previous term to try to
find the root of the problem. Then you will be empowered to make the changes you need to make to excel next term.
I have this conversation with students over and over again. Find out WHY you went wrong, then we can work on HOW to fix things. There is a very famous quote from Albert Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. That is VERY applicable here. Don’t shrug off the bad result and hope next year MIGHT be better. Find out WHY you went wrong, and then change how you are doing things.
I have a few areas I suggest you start with, and some suggestions on how to remedy it.
Action |
Why? |
Get your exam paper from your lecturers | Check the answers so you can get a feel for what areas of the course you did not understand. This empowers you to concentrate on your weak areas next term, studying smarter not harder is the key!! |
Analyse your time management from the previous term | Did you work consistently the whole term? Cramming at the last minute is what most of us end up doing, as we work and study, as well as having families… But if you want to pass you need to carve out a little time EVERY day and work consistently throughout term. Make a study plan and STICK to it! Remember to register early to get maximum study time in a term! |
Analyse your study methods | Is your study methods suiting your style of learning? Do you need to find new ways of taking notes, or understanding the concepts? |
Analyse your study environment | Are you making sure you are in the right environment when you study? Quiet, without many interruptions or distractions. |
Take a look at your motivation levels | Have you been studying for years and are only half the way through your degree? Now is the time that enthusiasm wains, and study starts to slip. Find ways to remember why you are studying – writing them up and putting them somewhere you see them often helps. Vision boards are also fun. Or join a study group to draw enthusiasm from your fellow students. Find a way to get your motivation levels up again that works for you – you won’t finish your degree if you don’t! |
If you want more advice and tips on these issues and many more please download a free copy of our e-Book. Now is NOT the time to quit! Persevere and you will reap the benefits in the long run!
And WELL DONE everyone! Another term down. CONGRATS to the passes and many distinctions we are hearing about. And for those who are disappointed, I hope that next term we can work together and Together We CAN Pass!!!
Happy holidays everyone.
Written by Tabitha Bailey
I failedCOM2603 and I got a supplementary on COM 3703 I need help so that I can finish my BA degree.How do I register online please help
Hi Thoko,
Would you like to register with TWP?
I failed eng1501 more than five time ;what mast I do now
Hi Bonakele,
Have you tried our online study group for ENG1501?
No need to stress at all, Bonakele, I passed Cos1512 on 6th attempt by the smoke on my teeth at 52% final mark. Good Luck, Find where you were weakest at and start there. Be positive and pretend it is like learning to type. You succeeded at that. Sorry this message is 2 years later, hope you haven’t given up. If you have, I encourage you to be the come back kid. Just have failed both my modules but am going to continue – my brother and sister are NOT going to continue outshining me.
Ii registered for postgradipHRM 2012 out of five modules I passed one gap year 2013. I reregster in 2014. Dismal failure. What worries me most let alone being the failure YM was a crisis what appeared on the results sheet was scary coz was completely not mine. So must I believe the EM? I don’t deserve to pass as I do not to fail. Must I change the course is sky high for me. Pliz help.
Hi @pnkie,
Please email [email protected] as they will be able to help you with your query.
please i need help with my ENN103f.i fail first semester and wrote supplementary on 16october 2015 but i dont have hope to pass it,what can i do?this my contact number 0785076870 call me if u can offer me help.thank you.
I don’t know what to say the only thing I want is a remarking on ENN1504 and AIS1503 coz I passed all my assignment BT at an end I failed the module so I want to know what happened…….
I register diploma in policing,and ever since I started I have never passed even one course,I am frustrated, I don’t know what to do,I already failed three times per three courses,please assist.
Good day.
For any inquiries, please email: [email protected]
Together We Pass
What happens when you miss an exam and you have no explanation for being late for an exam? What can I do now?
Advice please
Good day.
For any inquiries, please email: [email protected]
Together We Pass
Hi, I have failed AFK1501 and ENG1501 in my 1st semester. When must I repeat the papers? Can I register for 2nd semester now?
Hie Alida
Thank you for getting in touch, unfortunately we are not able to assist as we are not affiliated with UNISA we only provide online study groups.We would however advise you to contact UNISA directly or visit your nearest UNISA branch.
The Together We Pass Team.
Hi what happens if you passed modules but not satisfied with the results will unisa allow an opportunity to write the modules again
If you are not satisfied with your marks, you can ask for a re-mark of your exam paper. Learn more about the re-marking of examinations at Unisa online here.
I would like to join the team. please help
Good Morning. We offer online study groups as well as study resources for UNISA students. Is there any UNISA module in particular that you’re interested in?
I failed FAC1502 in both semesters last year and it is the only module that is left to complete my qualifications. What can I do to ace it this time.
Why not sign up and join the FREE FAC1502 online study group? You’ll have access to study resources, an assignment comparison tool and access to a dedicated discussion forum.
View and join the UNISA FAC1502 online study group here.
Hy I have fail all my modules for first semester and two module are online module and I wasn’t aware about this module because I don’t know nothing about online module because it was my first year and I did not even write any assignment and portfolios because I didn’t know who I will ask because of this lock down now I have fail all my module for first semester and I wasn’t aware that I have to cancelled them and reregister for next semester what can I do now pls help me
All modules are displayed on your myUnisa profile, including the online modules. Remember that you did register for them, meaning you should have viewed your myUnisa profile and your assignments tab on whether there was any available assignments or not as well as news on the specific module.
Regardless, you will have to re-register your modules for the second semester. Please note that as per Unisa:
A student must in the first academic year of registration pass at least 36 credits (students in the alternate pathway must pass at least 24 credits in the first year).
In other words, you need to pass at lease 3 modules in order to continue studying at Unisa to avoid academic exclusion. This means that you will not be able to study at Unisa. You can read more about the Academic Exclusion Rules at Unisa here.
I passed five of my modules in 1st semester but I’m worried that I want to perform better in my studies so I cancelled my module on 2nd semester to reflect on how I can improve my marks, this online assessment gave me fair pass marks but I want me, can I register again in 2021 hopefully the won’t be online exams
You can still register in 2021, even if you do not study during the current semester.
i have passed all 4 of my modules in the first semester but did not manage to pass my online module eup1501 iam doing a higher certificate what must i do what must i do now since it has no suppliment exam and i want to apply for a degree next year?
You need to pass all your modules in order to obtain your qualification and in turn, apply for a degree. At the moment, you will not qualify since you do not have the qualifications necessary in order to study for a degree.
You will have to re-register your EUP1501 module, pass it and obtain your qualification before planning your next move.
Hi please help do you recieve a certificate if you fail 1 module out of 10 for higher certificate or rather can I use the statement of results to apply for jobs
How is it at all acceptable for a tertiary education to have a full multichoice exam for accounting?
Hello..anyone doing Diploma in Policing , I need study partners.